Men Won`t Grow Away
25/05/2014 20:34
Men Won`t Grow Away
The United States has been implementing a `ground and space based` missile defence system throughout the world since US President, Ronald `Ray Gun` Raegan, announced his ideas for a `Strategic Defence Initiative` (SDI) on 23 March, 1983, which means an encirclement familiar to watchers of Hollywood, Babylon movies relating stories of the `Wild West` of the settling of America by Europeans as they moved from the East to the West coast after the continent`s discovery by Christopher Columbus` ships in 1492. The European settlers` tale was of encounters with North American Plains` Indians who they bereft of land by slaughtering the buffalo numbering 60, 000, 000 when they arrived and about 750 in 1892 to starve the Indians and force them into `reservations`, which were effectively the continent`s first `concentration camps` as the European settlers continued their genocidal pogrom against the indigenous peoples of North America. The notion of forming a circle of wagons to protect the women and children from the Indians with their bows and arrows used for hunting bison is as old as the colonization of North America. Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s SDI is a modern version of the cowboys with guns preparing to form a circle about the women and children to protect them against the bows and arrows of the Indians, who are the women and children of the rest of the nations of the Earth.
In the Bible Jesus `rules the nations with an iron scepter` while God warns Eve that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`. The story of Adam and Eve, the `first man and woman`, according to the Bible, begins with their expulsion from Eden and God`s exhorting Adam to `live by the sweat of his brow` while Eve will experience labour pains, and she will before the birth of Jesus, the second Adam, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, because Mary is `woman`s seed` and not men`s, who have the taint of the `serpent`s seed` as they`re killers of the humans` species. Because Jesus is `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, humans are born from `woman`s seed`, that is, Jesus is a man born as the first of `woman`s seed`, which is why he`s called `the second Adam` because untainted.
Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Knowledge was Eve`s Redemption, but evil was the enslaving of women`s host wombs for war after `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs were born after Eden from Eve and her daughters, because that represented socio-economic and cultural independence from men, who were also born `futanarian` but could grow away from women by sexually reproducing with each other, but preferred to enslave her wombs as parasites in order to exterminate her human species in what God warned Eve would be its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her `seed`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Babylon is described as `a woman` in the Bible because enslaving women`s wombs to produce war is what men do. In ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized so that women`s wombs could be enslaved for war in pederasty, which the Greeks spread like a contagion across the Hellenic peninsula. Just as their `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS, that is, the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to punish men, `who cursed the god of heaven for their pains and their sores`, (Rev: 16. 11) which were produced by their mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction, began spreading the contagion of their virality`s `killer disease` across the globe in the last decades of the 20th century:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1
The `foot` of Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, on the `pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 44-6), which is how the Bible describes heaven above the Earth, as the culmination of the United States of America`s North American Space Administration`s (NASA) efforts to put a man on the moon, wasn`t the `foot` God wrote of in the Bible, where Eve`s `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves`, (Gen: 3. 15) because, as another translation reads, `he will crush your head with his foot and you will bruise his heel`, God tells Eve, which means that the men of the Earth are the heel of the `futanarian` foot of the male, who keeps the human species of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth as its enslaved host womb in pederasty and war`s contagion of homosexuality and plague. Any woman who has been plagued by the unwanted attentions of men understands. The United States` SDI is a jailor`s device to prevent the `futanarian` human `woman`s seed` from leaving her `concentration camp` where her animal soul is concentrated upon death.
Although Jesus` Ascension to heaven is described in the New Testament of the Bible as resulting from his being tortured to death after being nailed upon a wooden cross by the Romans outside the walls of Jerusalem on the hill of Calvary, the Moslem Koran (610-30 C. E.) describes the Ascension of the teacher, Jesus, over six hundred years later, as occurring without death, because the Koran permits four wives within each marriage and so `futanarian` sexual reproduction can occur in private without death. Jesus Christ, `the Messiah`, was killed, because he might sexually reproduce, as the first of `woman`s seed`, which men can`t. Jesus` teaching of Salvation is to accept `woman`s seed`, because `love your neighbor` is Jesus` distillation of the meaning of God`s law, that is, `futanarian` women with penis` semen and host wombs of their own need love from their neighbours, which they haven`t received in slavery to war and death in the `concentration camp` of the Earth where her soul is focused on males with guns and missiles getting better penetration with each other.
The concept of the immortal soul concerned the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who perceived that the soul corresponded to what he called the anima in man, which was projected upon women so that men could achieve what they sexually desired. Jung argued that the soul was the anima and was feminine because projected onto the woman as a means of species` continuation. Although women were feminine their animus was male, which Jung identified as a crowd of admirers. According to Jung women didn`t have a soul but a spirit, whereas the sexual desire of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for women suggests that they have female souls of their own to project desirously. Consequently, women`s animus is a psychological fiction constructed to explain men`s spirit towards her, which is that of a killer virus. If the serpent in Eden represents men`s enslaving of women`s host wombs, they`re her parasitical destroyers and she`s bred to perpetuate enmity for her own `seed` in homosexual pederasty`s wars against her humanity. Emerging from their slave host wombs to periodically wage war upon her Earth, men represent the betrayer, Judas, who betrayed the first of `woman`s seed`, Jesus, to the Roman Empire`s representatives occupying Jewish Palestine, after the `Last Supper` at which Jesus was the host who offered `bread and wine` to the disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, because he was the `futanarian` host that the human species of `woman`s seed` wouldn`t be able to emerge from if she wasn`t told her womb was available to harbor her.
According to the Bible, Jesus, who will subsequently `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, had a `Second Coming` to the Earth, born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who is interpretable as the statue of `Liberty` bearing the `torch of freedom` in New York harbor after the defeat of the moon of the terrorist flag of Al Qaeda, whose visiting guests of their host had betrayed their welcome and hijacked `civil` planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York on September 11, 2001, which following upon the US` defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan in WWII (1939-45) after the Japanese had attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor`s Hawaii on 7 December, 1941, fulfilled the Bible symbolism. Al Qaeda`s Saudi Arabian leader, Osama Ben Laden, was killed on 2 May, 2011, which all but concluded the war with the United States that had begun in March, 2003, after Iraq offered bases to Al Qaeda, while `Liberty` in New York harbor with the moon, that is, the real `pearl of great price` reflected in her birth waters, was the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` with the symbols of the red sun of the flag of Japan and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda to clothe her. Because God tells Eve her `seed` will crush the serpent`s head with her `foot` as she leaves Earth, Jesus` `Second Coming` is as the `woman`s seed` who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` to deliver her from the `serpent`s seed` of men who plan her death in homosexual pederasty`s war and the enslavement of her host womb to the spreading of the betrayers` contagion.
In Eden Eve emerged from the rib of Adam which is used to identify her as inferior to the man because Adam was created by God whereas Eve was created from the rib of Adam by God and emerged from the side of Adam. The data is important because of Jesus` teaching of Redemption through the teaching of the Holy Spirit that would come after him. Upon Jesus` death upon the cross after being tortured, the Roman centurion, Longinus, pierced the side of Jesus with his spear, because Jesus was the `Second Adam` and Longinus was looking for the `Second Eve`, which would correspond to the Holy Spirit that would teach after Jesus. Because Eve emerged from the first Adam, the Holy Spirit emerging from the `Second Adam` as the `Second Eve` means that Eve isn`t inferior to Adam, but the teacher of humanity with the wisdom gleaned by her since Eden, which is that Redemption from the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` that God promises to her `seed` and Jesus` teaching as the first of `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary`, who is the continuator uncontaminate of the `seed` of Eve since Eden.
Because women have souls, whereas men have a spirit which could be redeemed if they grow a soul in their relationships with women, `woman`s seed` is the soul of creation from which all intelligence springs. If the soul of creation is female, all creatures have a soul, which is woman`s. In Eden God gave the responsibility of naming all flora and fauna to Adam, while Eve is the soul of nature and is named by God as the eve of what`s to come, which is unnameable until it appears, which is what occurs in science and invention as products of the intellect. Carl Jung identified the anima or soul as an archetype of the collective unconscious, which emerged in dreams, art and imagination as the impulse to creativity, imagination and inventiveness for the human species` intellect to flourish. Although Jung identified many archetypal images and figures that arose to impel human development, the anima or soul and the `Self` or totality of the realized individual are the beginning and end of the self-actualization or individuation process requiring recognition of the shadow or inferior aspect of the personality, which collectively projected is evil, because it represents a refusal to accept `woman`s seed`, but rather to blame the woman for one`s own shadow or brand the female in the `other` with hatred.
According to Jung the shadow isn`t an archetype, but appears archetypally in dreams, art and the imagination, that is, it`s a contamination of the soul or anima, which is an archetypal engine of development blocked by the shadow, which corresponds to animal instinct and the inability of the male to transcend it in Hollywood, Babylon movies like The Wolf Man (1941), for example. Jung`s perception is that sexual libidic energy is the transformative spiritual capacity to produce intellect from instinct, which the male can`t achieve without a female soul partner. The inability of the male to transcend instinct is the shadow, because it`s a male without a soul figure, that is, a woman, to guide. In Jungian psychology the shadow must be recognized and integrated into consciousness before the soul or anima can receive introjection within the conscious outlook of the individual, where before she`d functioned as a projection of a woman unconsciously leading a man into a relationship with a real guide. Consequently, the anima or soul archetype and the `Self` are the basic pairing, while the `little girl` of the woman is the `futanarian` archetype waiting to reemerge from the unconscious of humanity, that is, Resurrection for `woman`s seed`, and corresponds to the third genuine archetype, which the ancient Greeks called the Kore and was mother and daughter represented by Demeter and Persephone who was in the underworld of Hades before emerging to be with her mother again each spring as a metaphor for the yet unfulfilled hopes of `woman`s seed`.
Because men don`t have souls it isn`t correct to define them as having archetypal significance but representative of imagos that function more or less negatively with regard to women. Jung`s hero is an ego representative, but the triumph of the hero is the negation of the `little girl` of the `futanarian` mother who needs for her daughter to sexual reproduce with her own penis` semen and her own species of woman, while the prototypical hero figure stands gloating over her race`s inability to breed. The typical Greek hero, Hercules, was asked to kill the Lernaean Hydra, because men wanted to wed the Danaids, women who`d refused to marry. Although Hercules` feat is documented as heroic, the many headed Hydra was female and so corresponded to Jung`s archetype of the `Terrible Mother` defending her daughters from men of the `serpent`s seed` who wanted to enslave the host wombs of `woman`s seed` for the spreading of war`s contagions in homosexual pederasty, which was the insititutionalized basis of Greek society.
Jesus` archetype is Herculean insofar as he represents the `little girl` uncontaminated by male semen, who is born of an uncontaminate `futanarian` mother, and so is `woman`s seed` looking to sexually reproduce her own female brains for socio-economic independence from men as a species. Ursula K. Le Guin, science fiction writer, wrote: `You look at the blond hero - really look - and he turns into a gerbil. But you look at Apollo, and he looks back at you.`1 Jesus returns an unflinching gaze from his place upon the cross of his torment and death, because behind him is the archetypal heroine figure of the `little girl` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men who is waiting for Resurrection and the opportunity to breed her own brainpower for intellectual liberation and escape from men`s action heroes.
The victim looks like a gerbil to the torturer, because the tortured can`t fight, whereas Jesus is the archetypal figure of the `Self`, according to Jung, which conceals the archetypal figure of the `little girl`, who represents the heroine archetype of woman`s human species with her own `futanarian` penis` semen awaiting Resurrection for the sexual reproduction of her own human race`s brains` powers for development and freedom. Although creation is split into male and female, man and woman is tripartite, that is, `futanarian` men and women with their own penis` semen and host wombs constitute a third `foot` to humanity, which the `serpent`s seed` doesn`t want, because womb slavery in homosexual pederasty and war is the parasitical methodology of the alien destroyer born from the host womb of the species it`s victimizing.
In Hollywood, Babylon, concerted efforts were made to prevent the `futanarian` human host from raising its `foot` from the Earth when the Hays code (1934-67) was implemented to make it a rule that a woman should keep one foot on the floor at all times in bedroom scenes as a metaphor for the sexual repression of the `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` woman, who the `serpent`s seed` didn`t want to raise her `foot` from the Earth and leave her womb slavery in war and death for the colonizing of the planets amongst the stars of God`s promised heaven through advanced technologies arising from her brain`s development liberated from the contamination of male semen as a monogamous ring slave to male braining that makes her weak enough to accept being a human sacrifice on the altar of the devourer.
Although Hollywood, Babylon`s Barefoot In The Park (1967) film with sex symbol, Jane Fonda, engaging in intimate bedroom scenes with actor, Robert Redford, presented heterosexuality as normative, the program to repress `futanarian` woman`s penis and remove her from the scene was accomplished. Later movies like Silence Of The Lambs (1991), in which actress, Jodie Foster, is pursued by Hannibal `The Cannibal` Lecter who wants to eat her, narrates the animal husbandry theme of the `serpent`s seed`. In the breeding of lambs for slaughter, female ewes are often sired by a single male ram, while the farmer has the role of the husbander, but `husband` is the word used to describe a woman`s male partner in monogamy, which is `ownership of the means of production`, as the German economist Karl Mark wrote in Das Kapital (1856), and so is animal husbandry by definition, because the `futanarian` possibility for `woman`s seed` is denied her by education and occlusion. Women aren`t gay, but what are termed `lesbian` feelings are normal for a species sundered from itself by husbandry. Imprisoned in schizophrenia, women aren`t educated to see themselves as sexually desirable in the mirror of their dreams, because they`re enslaved victims of an animal breeder. The distinction between women with their own host wombs and men without wombs is basic. Although `futanarian` men have their own host wombs and penis` semen, men who aren`t `futanarian` don`t, whereas women always have host wombs, which means they`re the humans by definition, whereas unredeemed men err on the edge of parasitism, because `futanarian` women aren`t biologically their host, although `futanarian` men are.
Women are taught schizophrenic rejection of their own species sexually, because men don`t want them to perceive their womb slavery, while institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty is the methodology employed by the `serpent`s seed` to continue maintain itself in ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` against woman`s more genuine human `seed`. Because animals are husbanded, there`s every reason to suppose their `futanarian` unity is separated into male and female by the husbanders. If women have souls, the projected male anima of Jungian psychology is merely the repressed desire of the meat eater for its prey, which Jung had supposed was the projected soul of men`s sexual desire for a woman, then the animus isn`t a circle of male onlookers, as Jung had conceived, but a `beast` collectively eyeing its prey as a saurian might have done in the period of Earth`s history documented in Hollywood, Babylon director Steven Spielberg`s movie, Jurassic Park (1993), epitomized by the figure of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a giant two legged meat eating dinosaur with huge jaws and manlike forepaws:
`This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.` (Rev: 13. 18)
Because there aren`t any women. There are girls, who`re taught schizophrenic acceptance of men, because their own `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with her own host womb and penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers is defined by the `serpent`s seed` of men as `lesbian` in order to maintain their womb slavery in pederasty and war against the human race of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, in the absence of humans, men are `the beast` of Revelation from the New Testament of the Bible because any man who maintains woman`s enslavement is numbered amongst the `serpent`s seed` of men who are `the beast`.
In Jungian psychology instinct is the saurian tail of the meat eating dinosaur, because the spinal column is the vestigial remnant of a tail that contained what amounted to another brain. Jung argues that shadow recognition and integration is necessary if the individual is to develop beyond instinct, which is the killer`s desire in homosexual pederasty for its war of `perpetual enmity` as the `serpent`s seed` against the human species of `woman`s seed`. In human terms, the instinctual brain and the ego require reconciliation if men are to develop beyond womb slavery in parasitism and wars of `perpetual enmity` against their host who is socio-economicaly independent as `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for sexual reproduction and the running of her own `futanarian` human race to escape the jaws of her devourer.
By the late 20th century the paradigm of the virus was being used by computer `geeks` in emulation of the ancient Greeks who spread their contagion of institutionalized homosexual pederasty and war, according to the poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C), to the city of Troy by constructing a huge hollow wooden horse inside which the Greeks hid until the Trojans led the horse into the city where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women and spread the Greek contagion further. In the 21st century computer `geeks` created `Trojan horse` viruses as `bad machine code` to kill computer brains, which is how the HIV/AIDS `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), created by men mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, spreads. The HIV/AIDS` cell fakes kinship with the white cells of the body`s immune system before killing the brain, which is what Greeks and `geeks` represent.
Geeks were originally sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens as a stunt. Consequently, the computer brains, which the aptly named `geek` programers wrote `bad machine code` for, correspond to the brains of the chickens that it`s eating. If the chickens are `geek` extrapolations of the humans who need their second brain, as the dinosaurs had in their tail, the `geeks` are eating the brains of `woman`s seed` to prevent her from escaping occlusion through education. The farmyard chickens are husbanded females about a single male cockerel, whereas if the creation was originally `futanarian` the females would be sexually reproducing with each other and the cockerel would be redundant, which is why men fear women`s liberation and the machine that would liberate her human race after she`d raised her `foot` to the technological level at which her labour was saved.
In the 19th century `Luddites` were artisans protesting against newly developed labor saving machinery in the textile industry, and were named for Ned Ludd who reputedly damaged two stocking frames in 1799. The named fear was workers` redundancy, that is, unemployment and poverty, whereas 20th century labor saving technology prefigures the end of woman`s labours in childbirth, because her own `little girl` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power for technological liberation would save her the labour of raising men to kill her species. As God told Eve:
`I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.` (Gen: 3. 16)
But Jesus is described as `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 2. 27), born uncontaminated by male semen, while the `dragon` grown in strength since its days as a `serpent` in Eden `waits in vain` to devour him. But Jesus is described as `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 2. 27), born uncontaminated by male semen, while the `dragon` grown in strength since its days as a `serpent` in Eden `waits in vain` to devour him. In Red Dragon (2002), the Hollywood, Babylon sequel to Silence Of The Lambs the disturbed protagonist kills women to wear their skin, because the `serpent`s seed` are parasites who need a host womb before they can kill the humans. Eve`s labour pains are pronounced, because of her womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men, who have killed her human species to rule over it, whereas Jesus, uncontaminated by male semen, will rule for `woman`s seed`, and her labour pains will be ended when her own species` `futanarian` penis` semen and host wombs are in production for her own archetypal `Self`.
Homosexuals don`t want a woman to be with a woman, which is why girls living with their parents in economic penury are pressured into ring slavery in monogamous marriage with a male. In Eden the first woman is depicted as emerging from the side of Adam, while the serpent seeks to take her from the side of the first man. Although adultery is the usual explanation for the `serpent`s seed` taking a woman from the side of man, `futanarian` woman contaminated by male semen is adulterated, while Jesus` birth uncontaminated from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is unadulterated. Because devourment of the soul in the form of the woman is the aim of the `serpent`s seed`, Eve`s emergence from the side of Adam is as a product from a producer. In Arabia the metaphor is of a genie from a lamp or a bottle, which must be cleaned or unstoppered in Hollywood Babylon movies like Aladdin And The Wonderful Lamp (1982) or The Thief Of Baghdad (1940) if the genius is to emerge, that is, the unadulterated soul is the spiritual counterpart of the unadulterated body, which means that a man can be an adult without being unclean. If he can accept that woman isn`t his species, as Jesus teaches, which is Redemption for mankind, because it`s a metanoia or brain conversion that presupposes acceptance of the goal of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`.
Although Eve emerged from the side of Adam, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen can sexually reproduce herself as producer and product, whereas Eve`s birth from Adam was supernatural. Adam wasn`t created by God to give birth, while Eve`s `seed` was, which suggests Adam`s role was to produce Eve, but not to birth the `seed` of her `futanarian` race. Homosexuals don`t want the `woman`s seed` to reproduce with themselves and so adultery is taking a woman from the side of a woman, which is why mothers, who could be `futanarian` fatherers with their own penis` semen and host womb, have a male interloper to direct the male braining program of the enslaving `serpent`s seed`. Otherwise the woman would educate and direct her daughters into the path of Jesus` teaching of Redemption through decontamination. The false hypothesis would be that the Earth lives in terror because the `big woman` doesn`t want the `little girl` to see her penis, while the truth is that the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the `serpent`s seed` of men is eyeing the human from behind before making another attempt to bring it down like a hunted animal. In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C) the central character`s name means `lame foot`, because he`s the `foot` of the `futanarian` human species trying to escape from its predator, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel` (Gen: 3. 15), that is, the solution to the `riddle of the Sphinx`, `Man`, which Oedipus provides in order to win the throne of Thebes and the hand of his mother, Jocasta, after killing his father, Laertes, reflects on the race`s inability to incorporate the third `foot` of its `futanarian` woman:
`What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`
The Sphinx is devouring men before Oedipus arrives to solve her riddle. In Jungian terms she`s another `Terrible Mother` archetype protecting her human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own race, that is, man crawls as a baby, while man walks on two legs as an adult, but needs a cane when old, because he`s blinded himself to the truth, which is that he`s killed himself. Oedipus is blind, metaphorically, from the beginning of Sophocles` play when he encounters Laertes on the road and unwittingly kills his father, because he doesn`t recognize him. When he unwittingly marries his mother, Jocasta, and then blinds himself because of the taboo against incest, Oedipus is being killed by the `serpent`s seed` of men who don`t want him to see that the meaning of the incest taboo is to prevent the third `foot` of the human race, that is, the `futanarian` woman, from sexually reproducing within the family of her own species` gene pool. Jesus` teaching, `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Mk: 12. 31) is the whole of God`s law for him, that is, mother and daughter are the potential fatherer and host womb of the human species, but the incest taboo would make the girl next door the sexually compatible neighbor for God`s `little girl`, who Jesus particularly rebukes Judas, his betrayer, for hounding:
`Leave her alone.` (John: 12. 7)
Judas is known for stealing from the collection plate and rebukes a woman for putting expensive perfume on Jesus` feet before his crucifixion, that is, after betraying the host, Jesus, to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver` after the `Last Supper`, where the Messiah had offered `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host, which is `futanarian` woman uncontaminated by men`s semen, Judas tells Jesus on the eve of his death that he isn`t worth the perfume. Judas` perception is that the Virgin Mary, the host womb of the first of `woman`s seed`, is a perfume bottle to the betrayer of the genius of the human host:
`I'm a genie in a bottle baby. Come come, come on and let me out.`3
Christian Aguilera`s 21st century `Genie In A Bottle` (1999) pop music lyric entails the perception that Jesus` genius was that of a genie from a bottle to men of the `serpent`s seed`, which is why Longinus, the Roman centurion, pierced the side of Jesus with his spear upon the Messiah`s death at the crucifixion, because the `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam`, that is, Jesus` Holy Spirit, was a rare perfume to surround oneself with from pagan men`s perspective. Britney Spears comments on men`s occluding of women from the CD cover of her pop music single, `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout (2007), where she appears in the place of Jesus crucified for `thirty pieces of silver`, that is, her silver CDs represent men`s betrayal of her species so they can be surrounded by her perfume rather than her race:
`Guess I can't see the harm in working and being a mama,
and with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner
- and you want a piece of me?`4
Britney Spears is in the character of the woman who can`t see because of `blackout`, that is, censorship and occlusion for `woman`s seed`, while her `futanarian` daughter is the basis of her human species` womb slavery to producing more silver CDs for her Judas to torture her to death for. In the Hollywood, Babylon movie, Scent Of A Woman (1992), actor Al Pacino has the Oedipal role because he`s blind. Although Slade can smell women, they`re perfume to pagan men bereft of the `futanarian` human race, that is, they`ve blinded themselves by killing her, which is why the Holy Spirit was `scent` from God from the perspective of the `serpent`s seed`. Slade`s is a sad tale of a blind man who wants to commit suicide, because that`s Oedipus`, `Man`.
1 Armstrong, Neal UTC 2: 56, 21 July, 1969.
2 Le Guin, Ursula `Myth And Archetype In Science Fiction`, 1976.
3 Aguilera, Christina `Genie In A Bottle` Christina Aguilera, RCA, 1999.
4 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me` Blackout, Jive Records, 2007.
Demons And Devils
17/04/2014 07:36
Demons And Devils
The concept of being demonized is different from being devilled, that is, demons and devils are differently couched in terms of functionality, but the meaning is evident from a brief reading of Genesis, the first book of the Bible in which God warns Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because the serpent is the creature in the garden of Eden who tempts her to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` rather than abhor it and eat of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is God`s immortality. The serpent tells Eve and Adam, the first man created by God, `You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) After Eve gives Adam the fruit, which it is death to taste, God expels the pair from paradise and tells them Adam must work and Eve will experience pain in childbirth before Redemption and a `new heaven and Earth` will be given to her `seed` who will `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve is told she`ll have `seed` of her own, she`ll be born uncontaminated by male `seed`, as Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary. Jesus` teachings were of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb are God`s `seed`, and the `seed` of Eve born after Eden, womb enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` of men, who perceived that, if `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen flourished, men wouldn`t, and so they made her the brain slaves of their `seed` after killing her legitimate `futanarian` pair with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers and independent socio-economic system for liberating her when Adam and Eve were expelled by God from paradise for rejecting immortality for power in slavery over the human race.
According to the Bible the `serpent` was the fallen angel Satan who, according to the Koran of Islam, which means `acceptance`, refused to bow before Adam (2: 34) at his creation by God and so was thrown out of heaven to the Earth where he was known as Satan, the tempter who sought the fall of Adam and Eve. Satan was helped by other fallen angels who became devils preventing the human race from ascending to the heaven God had prepared for humankind. Demons were the children of Lilith, according to Judaism,1 who was the second woman with Adam and Eve in paradise from whom demons were born because bedevilling humanity wasn`t enough to prevent humans from ascending to God`s heaven and so demonizing of individuals became a practice of those who wanted humans to view each other with suspicion. Demonization became criminalization where innocent people could be accused by anyone and immediately were demonized as whatever others had been taught was the truth about them. By the end of the 21st century an individual became a pariah instantly if a demonizer accused them of having the HIV/AIDS virus spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in mockery of sexual fertilization between homosexuals. The individual was bedeviled and his or her life ruined because of a rumour monger acting as a demon. Because women are `futanarian` humans with their own penis` semen and host womb, homosexuality isn`t possible between them, that is, `lesbianism` is a psychologist`s invention to explain schizophrenia, whereas schizophrenia is given as the explanation for supposedly abnormal sexual desire between women. Girls seeing themselves in the mirror are taught their sexual partner should be a man so their masturbatory desires are schizophrenically oriented towards the male penis if they don`t know women have penis` `seed` of their own, which means her parents are witting or unwitting Satanists if she isn`t told. A girl who finds her mother sexually desirable and doesn`t have a penis of her own is schizophrenically incapable of realizing her species` goal of self-fertilization because her father is the demon who tells her she needs a man for sexual pairing. Moreover, if she sexually desires the woman next door, she`s bedeviled by another father, but the problem remains moot because she doesn`t have a penis of her own, although it`s possible the girl next door does. However, with Satanist parents keeping her in ignorance she`ll never have a woman`s child.
The human `futanarian` species is bedeviled and demonized to preserve women`s brain and womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men, who don`t want humans born uncontaminated by male semen, like Jesus, because they want to be as gods slaving the wombs of the daughters of Eve for war. The pattern of Western society was formed in ancient Greece where men institutionalized homosexuality for the spreading of themselves as a viral contagion which enslaved the host wombs of women to pederasty and war`s furthering. The paradigm was the huge wooden horse left before the gates of the city of Troy by the Greeks as a `friendship gift` in the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad (c. 429 BC). In Homer the Greeks hidden inside were taken in by the Trojans and emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women of Troy to spread their contagion through war further. By the 21st century the incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS was the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin of enslaving `woman`s seed`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The HIV/AIDS virus was homosexuality`s `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their devils and demons in the monogamous slave ring ownership Christianity calls `marriage`. The Elizabethan dramatist William Shakespeare was trapped in homosexuality because all of his stage productions originally contained only male actors who had the roles of women, which was the `gay` attraction. In Shakespeare`s plays, `marry` means `to know`, which is what Elizabethan homosexuals knew. Women were `Greek` slaves to pederasty and war. Elizabeth I was the queen of England (1533-1603) who needed men to repel the Spanish Armada sent by Philip II to invade her country in 1588, which was the dilemma of that and ensuing epochs. How to defend the woman with limited technological capability. Subsequent generations imcreased defensive capacity to the point of human extinction, that is, thermoglobal nuclear holocaust would result from a war between nations using intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, because defense of the woman is no longer the focus, but `marrying` between homosexuals engaged in vendettas who want one another to understand that they won`t tolerate insults:
‘Marry, sir, I would have some confidence with you that discerns you nearly.’ 2
Shakespeare`s Dogberry saves Hero, Leontes` daughter in the comedy Much Ado About Nothing (1898-9), by revealing Don John`s plot to prevent her `marrying` Claudio, that is, `marry` means `to understand` the basis of her future relationship with Claudio. Don John arranges for Borachio to enter her bedchamber and have an amorous liaison with Margaret, who is Hero's maid. Audiences of the 21st century don`t understand that it`s a `gay` play in which the heroine, ironically called Hero, isn`t supposed to `marry` Claudio, because women aren`t supposed to `know` men who are the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality and not their species. Don John is `The Bastard` but the women of the audience are `the pastored`, because Shakespeare was a genius who could pastor them as a priest might through his dramatical output. The name of Hero`s maid, Margaret, means `pearl`, which is `heaven on Earth`, according to the Bible, that is, `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 44), which is the wisdom that comes from knowledge and is Redemption through work for a man and the birth of the child of the `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for a girl pastored well enough to discern Shakespeare`s Margaret is a man, who isn`t her Hero.
Girls are `devilled` by their parents who`re either conscious or unconscious Satanists because of the belief system they`re taught is true, and demonized as `lesbian` if they show signs of becoming sexually interested in their own species penis` `seed` that would give them a child through sexual fertilization of her ovum from her `futanarian` pair, that is, woman with her own penis` semen, and host womb for the production of female brainpower to liberate her from brain enslavement to the `serpent`s seed` of men. Ownership within men`s slave ring of monogamous marriage teaches girls born into Satanism they must `marry` a man, whereas a woman ought to understand marrying a man isn`t for her, as he`s an alien virus concerned to devour her race, if he`s an unredeemed parasite born from male semen and her host womb, while he is not a species and she`s the human host. Jesus` teaching was of Redemption but that requires metanoia or brain conversion, which is beyond most of those who are male brained by the `serpent`s seed` of men. Consequently, Redemption is a chimera for `woman`s seed` trapped in brain slavery to the devilment and demonism of Satanism, which doesn`t want the human `woman`s seed` to escape from Earth to reach the safety of the planets and stars of the `new heaven and Earth` God promised Eve`s `seed` after her painful childbirth.
On September 11, 2001, the Al Qaeda group of terrorists supported and trained by Afghanistan`s Taliban government (September 1996 - December 2001) hijacked `civil` aircraft at Boston`s Logan airport, Massachusetts, and crashed the planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre because the paradigm of the late 20th century was homosexuality`s HIV/AIDS virus spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of sexual intercourse between human women. The `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty and war since ancient Greece`s institutionalization of homosexuality and womb slavery to further the spread of its viral contagion is known as `rough trade`,3 which is why the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were chosen by the terrorists as their target. Al Qaeda`s terrorists wanted to reestablish `rough trade` by provoking war with Afghanistan`s Taliban and Middle Eastern dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, who`d offered bases to Al Qaeda there.
The events of 9/11, 2001 included a further plane`s crashing into the US Defense Department of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and another failing to reach its supposed destination at the President`s official residence, the White House, Washington, D.C., because the passengers crashed it en route at Shanksville township, Pennsylvania, rather than allow the hijacking to continue. The main target was the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, because the event can be analyzed to discover the `X and Y` of the terrorists` thinking, which is traceable back to the North American Space Administration (NASA) `spaceplane` (1959-70) program that aimed to have a human pilot fly a plane to the moon as a first step towards space exploration and colonization of the solar system of planets circling the sun as the Earth does. At high altitudes it was discovered that test pilots flying the X-planes blacked out or lost consciousness and crashed, which resulted in cancellation of the X-plane program with the explanation that rockets were cheaper. Human lives were cheap at the Somme where the British suffered 57, 420 casualities on the first day of a five day battle during World War I (1914-18), and the thought of thermoglobal nuclear holocaust delivered to the people of the Earth cheaply at the tip of rockets armed with nuclear warheads suggests that cheap thinking wasn`t the best option if humans were going to escape their killers. During World War II (1939-45) the fascist powers were known as the Axis powers of Japan, Italy and Germany, and 9/11, 2001, represents their resurgence. Al Qaeda, `the base`, represents the Y axis, that is, New York`s Manhattan island upon which the highest building in the world stood at its inauguration in 1970, while in Cartesian mathematics the X-axis would correspond to the height of the World Trade Centre.
The Y axis may be understood as the question: `Why?` The X-plane test pilots of the prototype NASA spaceplanes that crashed because they lost consciousness at high altitudes explains. The pilots found themselves sitting at the top of rockets fired at the moon from NASA`s facilities at Florida`s Cape Canaveral, for example, which ultimately was of more assistance to the 1982 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program of US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to ring the Earth with a `ground and space based missile system` to prevent the humans from escaping. The landing of `the first man on the moon`, Neil Armstrong, in June 1969, after a ride atop a rocket, left the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and host womb unable to run her own race`, which God told Eve would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` after Redemption from slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`4
Neil Armstrong`s words celebrating humanity`s achievement were the death knell of the NASA spaceplane program to fly to the stars and planets as human pilots, and inaugurated a belief in rocketry which ultimately represented a cheapening of human life illustrated by the United States` dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II on 6 and 9 August, because it was cheaper to destroy those cities to force Japan into submission, and ICBM`s hadn`t then been developed to make human lives cheaper.
Rather than develop spaceplanes through the test program for the X-plane, NASA preferred to place a man atop a rocket and fire it at the moon, which resulted in an improved cheapening of human life through rocketry programs aimed at putting a nuclear warhead atop a rocket and firing it at the Earth. The spaceplane would have allowed an individual pilot to escape Earth`s gravity and fly to the moon and beyond, but men preferred to keep their female slaves under threat of extinction to produce better ways of killing the human species born from her host womb by means of her own penis` `seed` as `futanarian` woman without men`s slaving of her. After the United States and Europe`s defeat of the Axis powers of fascism, men became what they`d fought; aliens conspiring to imprison women`s humans. The NASA space program represented base and height defined by the `xy axis`. A resuregence of the Axis powers of fascism would result in an attack upon the height from the base, which is what occurred when the terrorists of Al Qaeda, `the base`, crashed the xy plane with their hijacked aircraft crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre to precipitate another global conflict. Men`s determination to look down upon the human species born from women`s host wombs, that is, `futanarian` woman`s `foot` with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for technological liberation, is represented by the appearance of the Twin Towers on 11 September, 2001, along the xy axes of the New York skyline. The appearance of the hijacked planes chopping into the World Trade Centre represented a reemergence of the traditional fascist axe symbol, which denotes secret planning. Ancient Roman fasces were the component parts of a blind used to surround a general as a wooden fence while he conceived a strategy. The hijacked terrorist planes were Osama Ben Laden`s fascist `xy axes`, and his deploying of planes to chop down the world`s tallest building was because small men are `vertically challenged`. Saddam Hussein`s name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, while in the Bible God says to Eve about the serpent, `He shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because men are small and vertically challenged, that is, they can`t bear to look up at something greater than themselves.
Having abandoned individuality in the form of spaceplanes flown by pilots to the moon, Neil Armstrong sat atop a very tall rocket and arrived at the moon to look at the Earth from a great height above her. Subsequent rocket development allowed men to look upon her from a height of greater superiority knowing she could be annihilated at the push of a button launching ICBMs across the globe to destroy her utterly.
The X-plane program was cancelled because men wanted to return to the Y-axis, that is, `the base`, represented by Al Qaeda`s chopping down of the Twin Towers. The NASA spaceplane program was replaced by a US Defense Department rocket program to deliver warheads. But Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, would be born to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` delivered of `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, after her victory over the red sun of the flag of Japan and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, because men can`t bear to look up without wanting to bring down. The Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre represent the competition. Because human women`s `futanarian` penis` `seed` can compete with the male braining penis` semen of men`s brain enslaving of her, the Twin Towers represent the penises of man and `futanarian` woman with her own host womb.
If Al Qaeda, `the base`, is identifiable with the Muladhara chakra at `the base` of the spine, where human consciousness begins to develop, according to the Hindu system of belief in chakra `ladders` representing achieved levels of developing human consciousness at points along the spine below the brain, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on New York`s Manahatan island seems to have been intended by Al Qaeda, `the base`, to correspond to the Anahata chakra of the heart, while the brain is New York as the `Big Apple` of developed human consciousness at the `crown of the head` or Saharara chakra. In Hindu Tantric yoga the emphasis is upon sex in order to promote the `futanarian` human awareness that women are `one` insofar as they are both male and female in terms of sexual reproduction, while the enemy of humanity in the late 20th century was the HIV/AIDS virus spread by homosexuality from the base of the spine through the anus at the Muladhara chakra until it kills the brain, which would correspond to Al Qaeda, `the base`, attacking the `Big Apple` of New York by infecting the brain with its viral contagion.
The terrorists` crashing of planes into the World Trade Centre was supported by Saddam Hussein, which provoked the Gulf war (2003-) to depose the dictator, who offered Iraq as a base to Al Qaeda, `the base`, to continue terrorism, but it was the devoting of the United States` resources to warfare which precluded the awakening of human consciousness, represented by the `Big Apple` of New York, to that `oneness` of the human species advocated by Jesus Christ`s maxim, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Men are irredeemable if they fail to recognize that women`s sexual reproduction between each other as a `futanarian` species with its own penis` semen and host womb is a `oneness` they don`t possess and that the `serpent`s seed` of men are her viral contagion that somehow inveigled itself into her host womb, which is recorded in the Bible as the parasitical worm of Eve`s encounter with the `serpent` that seeks the death of the human race in slavery to its wars against women born uncontaminated by male semen from the host womb of the species; as Jesus Christ was:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Obsessed with war, the brains of men are equivalent to the human body`s immune system infected with homosexuality`s incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS transmitted in mockery of human sexual reproduction, and `futanarian` woman`s penis` semen and host womb is the form of reproduction mocked at the collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre reestablishing the `gay plague` of sterility and death to the human race, which enjoys sexual reproduction and believes inflation is necessary to growth in a burgeoning socio-economy seeking independence from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s parasitism upon women`s host wombs:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The `woman` of the Bible enslaved in pederasty and war by male braining of her progeny in institutionalized homosexuality`s brain enslaving of her produces the abominations of war because she`s unable to escape from her captors. The question posed by Al Qaeda, `the base`, is `Why?` The X-plane test pilots discovered they `blacked out` at high altitude, that is, they lost consciousness, which meant that ICBMs resulted from men`s inability to fly spaceplanes to the moon, because rocketry became the paradigm for `delivery`, which mocks human birth, where babies are said to be `delivered` when assisted by gynaecological experts, but nuclear warheads at the tip of rockets are a delivery system for exterminators of human populations. In Mathematics `the base` is the Y-axis and the height is indicated by the X-axis. Consequently, 9/11, 2001, was Al Qaeda, `the base`, because buildings are in the way of the axes to small men. To explain why spaceplanes don`t fly to the moon it`d be necessary to explain to the woman that men would rather deliver warheads than that she sexually reproduce alongside mankind with her own human penis` `seed` for the creation of her own brains` powers to escape men through the testing of X-plane technology that would assist her to rise from `the base` to the heights of heaven. The destruction of the Twin Towers represented men`s rejection of woman`s own `futanarian` penis` `seed` and its replacement by a single Tower representing `world trade`, where `trade` is a euphemism for `Greek` war in institutionalized homosexuality and pederasty`s womb enslaving of male brained women.
The NASA spaceplane program failed because pilots lost consciousness, while the `geek` successors to the `Greeks` created `bad machine code` to infect computer brains that could direct a spaceplane out of Earth`s gravity while the human slept in unconsciousness after reaching the point at which X-plane test pilots had previously blacked out. The term `geek` was used to describe `circus freaks` who were `sideshow attractions` eating chickens` heads, while `circus` was used to describe the huge amphitheatres in which Romans watched `snuff` entertainments in which people were killed for the pleasure of the spectators. As `circus` came to be used to describe `spying`, blackout was a euphemism for people who were killed to prevent them from seeing. Blindness is effectively what transpired when the X-plane pilots lost consciousness, which led to the cancellation of the `spaceplane` program and the threat to human extinction grew because of the focus on rocketry to deliver death rather than life.
The low level technology attack of Al Qaeda`s terrorist group hijacking planes to provoke what was known as `TV war` in the Gulf began at Boston, Logan airport, and so mimicked Logan`s Run (1976), the prototypically unrepentant Hollywood, Babylon `snuff` film entertainment in which `sandmen` kill `runners`, because they want to live beyond the age of 21, which is forbidden by the dystopian society in William F. Nolan`s 1967 science fiction novel on socio-economic grounds, and formed the basis for the movie the terrorists used as inspiration to kill and prevent the 21st century from `running` its true course. Although Al Qaeda were perceived as inferior because they didn`t use weapons of modern warfare, low technology is what nations armed with nuclear weapons are for. The terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2013, developed the theme of the `footrace`, that is, the `futanarian` race of women running the human program with their own penis` semen and host wombs for sexually reproducing their own brains` power for the independent production of technology socio-economically liberating to women, and so the `sandmen`5 bombers at the Boston Marathon were again effectively attempting to prevent woman from running her own race, because that`s what men are for.
The reduction of technology to low levels represents the loss of the `futanarian` human species` brainpower, that is, the eating of chickens` heads according to `geek` homosexuals, and rockets delivering warheads is low level technology, while computer brained spaceplanes are high level, which suggests `geeks` don`t want a high level of technology for the human chickens, and so the replacing of the Twin Towers with the One World Trade Centre (2014), or `Freedom Tower` as it`s been dubbed, is rather a symbol of the success of `rough trade`, because men`s penis` semen for the brain slaving of the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen no longer has even a symbolic rival in the shape of the Twin Towers representing socio-economic growth for twin humanity based on independence for women with their own brains who`re not preconceived as chickens to be devoured by `geek` philosophy.
In Cartesian math, the Y-axis used to plot coordinates is representable as a question posed by Al Qaeda, `the base`; `Why?` The X-axis indicates the height of the Twin Towers and `the base` denotes Al Qaeda`s objective in raising the World Trade Centre to the ground. The planes crashed into the Twin Towers represented the `xy axes`,6 because small men can`t abide great vision and always seek to further reduce human development. The cancellation of the NASA X-plane program resulted in the reduction of human aspirations to the level of rockets delivering nuclear warheads in a global holocaust leading to the extinction of all human life on Earth, while the terrorist hijacked planes chopping into the Twin Towers represented the death of the human species` aspirations to raise its `futanarian` race`s `foot` from the Earth to the planets and stars of heaven, because that`s why the X-plane program was cancelled. Men don`t want women to escape Earth in spaceplanes, and they don`t want to explain why, which is the `gay plague` circus` games of demons and devils represented by the stunt artistes who don`t want humans to see beyond the `razzamatazz` of 9/11, 2001, `live on CNN` and other news networks. 21st century `circus ringmasters` are spies who produce stunts like the crashing of planes into the World Trade Centre to divert attention away from the truth, which is that humans are blinded by men who don`t want them to know.
Rebelling from slavery humanity seeks escape from `bread and circuses` in preference for the `bread and wine` of Jesus Christ`s teaching, which is that the human host is the `body and blood` symbolized by the `bread and wine` at Jesus` `Last Supper` before his betrayal by Judas, the disciple who sold Christ for `thirty pieces of silver` as a `dissident` to the Roman authorities occupying Jewish Palestine. Rome`s agents nailed Christ to a wooden cross and tortured him to death although he subsequently had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` Resurrection prefigures the reemergence of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth as `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own liberated brains` powers. Judas Iscariot`s acceptance of the host`s `bread and wine` and his betrayal of Jesus` `body and blood` represents treachery towards the species` host womb, which is what the `serpent`s seed` of enslaving men are for. Jesus` fate was `circus` and 21st century pop music star, Britney Spears` Blackout (2007) album recognizes that with her cover for the CD video single, `Piece Of Me` where she appears on the cross as Jesus Christ, because woman is betrayed by the `serpent`s seed` of men who have male brained her in brain slavery. Britney Spears` perception is that she`s treated inhumanly, because either she`s a goddess or an animal to her fans, which isn`t good for someone who wants to be human towards others. Each VCD sold is a `piece` of betraying `silver`, because Britney Spears is a woman perceived as adulterous by the media:
`I'm Mrs most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets when gettin' the groceries, no, for real are you kiddin' me?`
Britney represents `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own species adulterated by the `serpent`s seed` of men who`re trying to sell Blackout and her as a slave blind in unconsciousness of her worth as a race, `You want a piece of me?` Her Circus (2008) album continued the theme, `There's only two types of people in the world. The ones that entertain and the ones that observe.` The entertainers are those that organize war. The most controversial song from Circus was `If You Seek Amy` which translates as `fuck me`, which is good because it`s human entertainment. Humans are physically capable of only two things; eatng and sex. Everything else is `circus` because it`s a delusion that there`s anything more for humans, which Circus` `Gimme More` single satirizes:
`Feels like the crowd is sayin` “Gimme! Gimme more!”. `
Food and sex is all there physically is for humans, which means entertainment for the `serpent`s seed` of men is warfare and Britney Spears` circus crowd are the parasitical devourers of `woman`s seed` participating in the `perpetual enmity` of the serpent for women God warned Eve her `seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction of her own liberated brainpower would have with her enslaving devils and demons after she and Adam were expelled from paradise.
1 Cf. The Alphabet Of Ben Sira, c. 700- 1000 AD.
2 Shakespeare, William Dogberry to Leontes in Much Ado About Nothing (1598-9), Act III, Scene 5, line 2.
3 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts,` .
4 Armstrong, Neil 2:56 UTC July 21, 1969.
5 `The Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Province of Dagestan, the Caucasian Islamist organization in both Chechnya and Dagestan, denied any link to the bombing or the Tsarnaev brothers [accused of the atrocity, Dzokhar and Tamarlan] and stated that it was at war with Russia, not the United States. It also said that it had sworn off violence against civilians since 2012,` .
6 Smith, David E., and M. L. Lantham (transls.) The Geometry Of René Descartes (1637), Dover, New York, 1954.
The Moral Of The Bible: Virality Is Not Virility
19/09/2013 11:28
The Moral Of The Bible: Virality Is Not Virility
Oops I Did It Again is Britney Spears` science fictional mimodrama after the fashion of Marcel Marceau, the mime. The video single takes place on Mars because she mimes her meanings as Marcel does, and the first allusion is to the original Star Trek episode, The Cage, which is an environment created for two crippled space explorers. Tab Hunter, the disabled first captain of the starship Enterprise, and Susan Oliver, the only survivor of a ship`s crash landing on the planet Talos. The big brained Talosians create The Cage by the power of their minds, which is what science fiction is before it becomes reality of course. The Cage is a `cell`, but the hero and heroine are kept because otherwise they could not live.
Oops I Did It Again is `Mars cell`, that is, Star Trek, The Cage, which is an illusion but real, because the big brained Talosians have created it on a video CD, and Britney is a storyteller in the tradition of the Arabian Scheherezade`s who picaresquely `sew` their story into a fabrication pleasing to the eye or ear. Consequently, she is `Mars cell`, and alluding to the proverb, `it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven`, she is `Mars sew` because Oops I Did It Again is a reference to the pricking of the finger as the Sheherezade attempts to push and pull the thread through the needle`s eye.
The `framing device` for One Thousand And One Nights is Sheherezade`s story of Shah Jehan, who had his faithful wife`s head cut off, after accusing her of unfaithfulness, so that he could marry a new woman each day, and cut her head off in the same way, but Sheherezade kept her head, and the heads of the other women, by telling him a long `cliffhanger`, so signifying that it is possible for faith to exist in the imagination and for it to be real.
Sheherezade must keep the thread of her story going, according to the One Thousand And One Nights and, by keeping her head, the women will be saved. Britney appears in at least three different guises during the video. She is shown in her red suit hooking her spaceman `visitor` before suspending him above herself in a white bikini dress, and afterwards she somersaults in her red suit while transforming in mid-air into herself wearing a white blouse, black skirt and boots. When the spaceman visitor presents her with a gift, she asks:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`
The reference is to the `heart of the ocean`, a blue diamond pendant dropped into the ocean at the end of the movie Titanic (1997), because of the heroine`s mourning of her lost love, who downed when the Titanic hit an iceberg. Hooked on her crochet needle the spaceman is in suspense. Britney is `creating [the] fabric [of her story] from yarn, thread [and] ... other material strands [of fiction] ... ` 1 The three Britneys are symbolic of the women to be saved by Sheherezade, and the spaceman `visitor` who appears part of the thread of the fabric of her story has brought her `the heart of the ocean` from the deep. She shows him the `deeper space` of her heart, and he dependant above. He is enthralled and she must tell the story that will save her.
The book of Revelation in the Bible contains ideas similar to One Thousand And One Nights because it requires faith in the imagination, and Britney`s Oops I Did It Again can be read as a biblical commentary on `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer` she is giving birth to, and who corresponds to the `deep pendant`, that is, the `New Redeemer`, as the `heart of the ocean` of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. Posited by the developmental depth psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) as necessary for individuation or personal growth, the `New Redeemer` represents abstract and personified images contained within dreams, art and reverie, which are the impulse engines of the instinctual drive of the spirit of humanity to the stars.
The distinctive emblem of Marcel Marceau is a red `pom pom`. Britney mimodramatically acknowledges his influence in Oops I Did It Again as `Mars cellphone video technology, and `Mars sew` because of her employment of the crochet motif in the fabrication of her fictional web. Britney, in her red suit, is `Major Red`, that is, a majorette, whereas `pom pom girls` are `cheerleaders`, which is just one of the roles she has in the video single, Hit Me baby One More Time:
`In the past few years, a practice called yarn bombing, or the use of knitted or crocheted cloth to modify and beautify one's (usually outdoor) surroundings, emerged in the US and spread worldwide. Yarn bombers sometimes target existing pieces of graffiti for beautification.`2
A `pom pom` is crocheted using a `pom pom circle` that resembles a CD. Because Britney is carrying a `hoop` when she first descends to her set in Oops I Did It Again inside a giant`s ring as a `small woman`, her mimodrama is both mourning and celebrating NASA`s space programme. Such hoops as the one she carries are used in the construction of a `pom pom wreath` and Britney is lamenting the lack of political will in the United States of America to actually get from the moon to Mars. The giant`s ring inside which she descends with her hoop is a symbol of her preparing to lay a wreath at the temple of greatness, but `yarn bombing` is the beautification of achievement, whether small or large, which is a parallel theme of the mimodrama because the hints and clues with regard to meaning often reveal surprising depths if penetrated.
In terms of technology, a `pom pom` is like a CD because it is made flat but opens out to reveal its `valences`. Oops I Did It Again is Britney`s red, white and black `pom pom` because she wears these three colours in the making of the video. Her `sphere` of endeavour is the crochet work of beautification through `yarn bombing`, where the embroidering of a story`s valences is a part of the interactive enjoyment that a viewer can have with her image `on screen` to decipher her meaning and develop their own personal growth through depth analysis of the archetypal material she presents.
One Jungian archetype is the `New Redeemer` of the Bible, who protects the `hidden` woman of the Earth in Revelation until she is ready to leave and `sow` her `seed` in heaven, which suggests that she is a woman with a penis of her own, that is, futanarian, and so definable as a species apart from men. Revelation describes how she and her `seed` fight and win a war in heaven against the `red dragon` and the evil serpent`s `seed` grown since Eden. She receives a new heaven and Earth and the evil receive perdition. Because the woman with a penis, that is, futanarian woman, is `hidden`, Revelation requires faith in imagination, and belief in God`s storytelling. Otherwise it would not be possible for the thread of the story to be perceived. The proverb `it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven` relates to the perception that men`s valence is not enough to carry them through the `needle`s eye`, and so `yarn bombing`, which is the beautification of what is unsightly using a crochet `hook`, and not a needle, is Britney`s consoling alternative.
The `red dragon` of Revelation may be considered to be `nature red in tooth and claw`, which is a line from Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson`s 19th century poem In Memoriam and is often used to support capitalism and the economics of `survival of the fittest`, which is essentially the observation that consumption is success. Of course it begs the question: what should be produced? The 20th century put Neil Armstrong on the moon but used rocket technology to threaten the world with nuclear holocaust, which corresponds to the devouring `red dragon` of Revelation as a consumptive. The `New Redeemer` of Revelation is depicted as helping to hide the woman and facilitate her escape from the Earth, whereas the red dragon is associated with the `blood plague`, which was revealed in the last quarter of the 20th century as HIV/AIDS, a valence of homosexual pederasty`s psychological and biological terrorism against the wombs of women.
In ancient Greece the wombs of women were enslaved by homosexual pederasts that spread their plague by means of war. At Troy they constructed the prototypical medium for infecting other societies with their virality in the form of a huge wooden horse inside which they hid and pretended to be leaving it as a gift for the Trojans who took it into the city of Troy where the Greeks emerged and enslaved the wombs of the women for the future of their `boy sons`, that is, the future `poisons` of HIV/AIDS and other STDs communicated by the devouring red dragon`s valence of homosexual pederasty and `blood plague`.
On 9/11 the friendship feigning of homosexual pederasty`s valence saw terrorism emerge in Boston, Massachussetts, when hijackers pretended to be visiting New York and crashed their `civil` aircraft into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre so promulgating machismo virality and plunging the globe into terror. That the HIV/AIDS virus, or `blood plague` of Revelation, is a valence of the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war is unmistakable because of the methodology of the HIV/AIDS virus. During its attack upon the defence systems of the body, it feigns friendship for the white cells that defend the red cells that are its life and, after they have been accepted, like the `Greek horse` or the hijackers` plane ticket, the virus kills the body. 9/11 was a viral attack because it wasn`t designed to defeat the United States of America but spread its valence of terror.
Microsoft, and other computer oriented companies, assisted the virus by defining virality as `Trojan` rather than `Greek`, which is a worldwide euphemism for homosexual pederasty, and an insult not only to those of the rescue services who `worked like Trojans` on 9/11 but also to those living in upstate Troy, New York, which was on the flight path of the terrorist `plague game` and could have been next.
Britney Spears is a genius in Oops I Did It Again because she perceives that it is the eye that is deceived in its relations with the world. Much of the imagery is of the eye of the camera and how she appears beneath it. At one point she appears in her red suit to suspend her spaceman visitor above her `double` in a white bikini dress, so that the spaceman can film her with the camera attached to the side of his space helmet and relay pictures back to `Mission Control`, who are observable watching her through the lens of the camera which appears as an eye. The symbolism is sexual because the eye is that of the penis because it finds her desirable.
Suspended by the side of the spaceman`s helmet are the tines of a huge fork, which suggests the devourer, and indicates the problem. If women have a penis of their own, as futanarian, and so are a species, then men are an alien viral parasite that seeks to enslave and devour her. In other words, the penis of men sees with the eye of the devourer. In the New Testament Jesus` dead and crucified body is pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, and the Paraclete effectively emerges from the side of the `Second Adam` as the `Second Eve` to be the spiritual `guide, comfort, helpmeet, and teacher`.
Men are not women, and if women have a penis of their own, the Holy Spirit or Paraclete corresponds to the female `spirit of God`, that is, the Shekinah of the Old Testament. She who dwelt in the place of the law in the Ark of the Covenant of God`s promise to the `chosen` becomes, after Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, the spiritual `guide, comfort, helpmeet, and teacher`, and so the eyes of the penis of woman as a species` guide has female eyes in the person of the Holy Spirit. However, if men`s eyes do not accept women, or men and women`s eyes are possessed by the eyes of the evil serpent`s `seed` of homosexual pederasty, and cannot see with the eyes of the spirit of God, they have accepted the devouring `red dragon` of the red planet Mars, the god of war, and HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` of terrorism, which is foreshadowed in Jesus` torment and crucifixion, and God`s warning is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were the `cities of the plains` (Gen: 18,19) thousands of years before 9/11`s terrorists` reawakening of the devouring `red dragon` of the `blood plague` of homosexual pederasty and war at the `cities of the planes`, New York, and Arlington`s Pentagon, Virginia, 2000 AD.
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the `transference` is the single most important aspect of the individuation process whereby the individual achieves self-actualization or consciousness. According to Jung the process is determined by the individual`s recognition of projections of the soul or female anima, in the case of a man, which is an archetype amongst many that exist in dreams, imagination, art, or reverie. The archetypes function as images or personified aspects of the psyche that impel consciousness, and the Holy Spirit is archetypal insofar as it impels individuation. A successful transference is the awareness that, if you are not looking with the eyes of a woman, you are not looking with the eyes of the penis, because women with a penis are the species of the planet Earth, and so the penis is female. If you are looking with the eyes of a man, you are possessed by the `demon` of homosexual pederasty and devourment, because you are looking with the eyes of that which is neither human, that is, female, nor Godly, because it is not you if it is not female, and that is the secret of God.
Oops I Did It Again refers to a woman`s dilemma with regard to how she appears to the eyes of those with the penis that watches her. Obviously masturbation is an aspect of the relationship between her image and the viewer, which means that the eyes of the devourer are upon her. Oops I Did It Again means that an `I` can see, and it masturbates because it wants to see more. The Holy Spirit is the guide for the eyes that want to see, but the evil do not want the Holy Spirit. Because they don`t want the eyes to see. That is why they encourage the false machismo of the virality of the `red dragon` of the homosexual pederasty of war; for example, Saddam Hussein and those who are like him. Because true humanity is the virility of women with a penis of their own as the species of the Earth, and they don`t want her to see either.
One of Marcel Marceau`s more famous mimodramas was also called The Cage, which again helps us to penetrate the clues and hints of Britney`s science fiction mimodrama in Oops I Did It Again. When her spaceman `visitor` arrives on Mars, she in her red suit is discovered living with herself in a white bikini dress, which is both an interesting reference to the Jungian transference by way of the ability of the Talosians in Star Trek, The Cage, to transform the hero and heroine by mental power so they can live together, and a representation of the valence of women`s love for each other, which is often defined as psychologically `abnormal`. However, because women are a species with a penis of their own, lesbianism is the human species` natural valence, and corresponds to Sheherezade`s faith in imagination in One Thousand And One Nights through which all of the women are saved.
Because lesbianism is the valence of the human species, sexual desire for the woman is female, and so is the penis. Consequently, the machismo of devouring homosexual pederasty, symbolized by the `red dragon` of Revelation, and its `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, is what men define as masculine, whereas maleness is rather virality than virility. Appearing as the Gemini twins, Britney in her red pilot`s suit and white bikini dress is an allusion to NASA`s `Gemini` space programme, but Britney is also calling herself `Chairman I` because of the commonly held 50s precept that science fiction should portray Chinese communists as identical aliens (Britney`s `triplets`) who share a `hive mind` that is antithetical to capitalism. Indeed, the movie Starship Troopers (1997), where the brave `boy sons` of Earth fought against the undifferentiated `bugs`, was a metaphorical release of hatred, that is, the `poisons` of the real `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war against communal life, which appeared alien because peaceful. Starship Troopers was originally a 1959 juvenile novel by the American Grand Master of science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), and celebrated the founding of the USA`s Green Berets by President John F. Kennedy, so representing tacit acceptance of President Richard Millhouse Nixon`s subsequent deployment of the Green Berets to dehumanize and exterminate Indo-China`s `gooks` in Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia with carpet bombing, napalm and the defoliant `agent orange`. Before Mao Tse Tung`s (1893-1976) China stopped it. Mao founded Chinese communism, and his `little red book` contained over four hundred realpolitik insights:
`No political party can possibly lead a great revolutionary movement to victory unless it possesses revolutionary theory and a knowledge of history and has a profound grasp of the practical movement.` 2
The notion that communism is the product of an alien `collective` is no more obvious than that `Germany`, which word has a pronunciation similar to `Gemini`, was what Jung termed a shadow collective of inflated negative personality traits in the 1930s. Britney`s video Oops I Did It Again is her `little red book` in `letter box format` presenting her manifesto for change. At one point she somersaults in the air to stand before her spaceman, and transforms en l`air from red pilot`s suit to white blouse with black skirt and boots, which was the uniform of the girls of the `Hitler Youth` in the 30s. Receiving a gift from her spaceman, she asks:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`
The allusion is to the movie Titanic (1997) in which the `heart of the ocean`, a blue diamond pendant, is dropped into the ocean at the end of the movie because the heroine is mourning her lost love who drowned when the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank. Although Britney appears `mousey` in Oops I Did It Again, she is the Mouse, `Say Tongue` because of her former life as a child star with the Mickey Mouse Club, who later provided the impetus for `Saytonguism`, that is, sinking her marital relationships by plaguing her with slander. In fact the video opens with `Mission Control`:
`Earth to Mars Lander. Report status please.`
They are asking for the latest gossip on Britney Spears` relationship with herself, that is, the `Mars slander`, but Britney`s message from her `little red`s e-book` is a universal one. Don`t believe what you`re told. The Chinese aren`t identical and neither is she and her `Martian` sister. The devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war would eat her because she is a woman, not because she is part of a `hive mind`, or `Hitler Youth`. In the Bible the `chosen` have a `little Red Sea book` of their own. God promises a `land of milk and honey` if they obey the `book of the law` and traverse the Red Sea.
For Britney it is faith in imagination, because the mind of God is revealed to the faithful as the story unfolds, and they read it from the Bible. Oops I Did It Again is imagination in faith, because the red planet Mars is a sterile place of sand without the waters of a Red Sea and, as T.S. Eliot`s 1920 poem The Wasteland advocates, imagery from the archetypes of the unconscious have to be employed by the writer attempting to stimulate spiritual growth in the sterile mind of the reader, and on into the world outside of the poem or, in the case of Britney`s Oops I Did It Again, after stimulating the arid mind of the viewer, the world outside the video will bloom.
Britney employs mimodramatic effects to stimulate the imagination of the viewer at an unconscious level but in a determinedly awakening style that presupposes enough faith in the watcher to want to decipher her meanings and so grow and develop spiritually through her `teaching`. Her mimodramatic movements are difficult to understand, but they are neither for the blind or the deaf, and her lyrics are not for those who can`t read. Several times in the course of the video Britney makes the sign of the wine glass by raising her hands, which is both a symbol of the Holy Grail, that is, the bowl from which Christ ate and drank at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, or the cup from which `Babylon, the Great, mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth` drinks in Revelation. The cup of Babylon contains `fornication and abominations` because it is a poison cup full of HIV/AIDS and STDs that represent the `blood plague` as a valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war. Jesus` cup denotes `the body and the blood`, because the Holy Grail is a bowl from which he ate and drank. In offering the `bread and the wine` in fellowship, Jesus was indicating that his `body and blood` was not diseased, which is why he was conceived without the semen of a man and born of a virgin. In other words, everyone must be born without the semen of a man, that is, from the futanarian woman who has a penis of her own, and is the species of the Earth as woman. `Babylon, the Great` is great, because she is able to survive with the virality of men, and the cup as the symbol of the `mother of harlots and of the Abominations` is of the `Greek whores` who are forced to give birth to the `boy sons`, who are the `poisons` that make of her womb a `Greek horse` from which they emerge to make war upon her citadels of culture and civilization to enslave her, and further spread their plague of devouring homosexual pederasty and war.
In Oops I Did It Again Britney is intelligently appealing to the penis of the woman, that is, the several eyes of the camera which are depicted within the video, and are aspects of the eye of the video itself, which the viewer perceives as a single eye also, is representative of the eye of the penis which cannot see, but is the desireful focus of the visual material. If the video is purely sexual, the meaning is the erection of the masturbator`s penis, whereas if the video contains material designed to be thought upon, its meaning is developmental. Consequently, there is an admixture, in terms of meaningfulness, between the cup of Jesus and the cup of Babylon, that is, desire stimulates development. Britney is aware that she must communicate sexually in order to communicate. For the penis of the woman sex is good and not `poison`, because `boy sons` will no longer be produced when futanarian woman with a penis of her own ceases fornicating with the virus, that is, men, and so stops producing the `abominations`. Britney`s mimodramatic depiction of herself as a `glass of red wine` represents desirefulness as good per se, because it`s developmental. Whereas the Bible describes the woman drinking from the `cup of her fornications and abominations`, that is, her `boy sons` who are `poisons`, the penis is the woman`s. What is attached to it is only a valence of virality, that is, the `poisons` of male homosexual pederasty`s `boy sons`. Although the penis represents the source of all developmental functionality, it is the valence of woman as the Earth`s species, which is `futanarian`, and the measure of virility is development, represented by `scifi` Britney in Oops I Did It Again, and not the developing of better valences for the virality of the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty, which is represented in Oops I Did it Again by `Mission Control` who appear to be guiding the spaceman, but actually function as misleading demons because they have confused the penis into believing it is virile whereas it is in fact viral.
Britney`s feelings of being `misled` found her adopting the title `Miss American Dream` for Piece Of Me (2004), and the cover sleeve for the single featured her crucified. Identifying with Christ`s work of Redemption is what her `piece of ass` had been led to. However, as a `piece of work`, Britney is the `American Dream`. Christ`s side was opened by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus at his crucifixion, which effectively signaled the emergence of the Paraclete or Holy Spirit from the side of Jesus as the `Second Eve` from the `Second Adam` as humanity`s `guide, teacher, comforter, and helpmeet`. The spear of Longinus was afterwards known as the Spear of Destiny and the USA adopted it as a symbol of Manifest Destiny and the American Dream, which is why Britney Spears` name insofar as it is symbolic of the Paraclete or Holy Spirit as a `piece` of the female `spirit of God` represents the `dream` of e pluribus unum, `the many and the one` God:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.` Piece Of Me
Celebrating an airship disaster in New Jersey 1939 on the cover of their first album was miss `American Dream` for `misled Zeppelin`, which was what Keith Moon, the drummer of The Who, said of the `69 inception of rock band Led Zeppelin, `It will go down like a lead balloon.` Jefferson Airplane knew enough to change their name to Jefferson Starship, but the idea of naming the future of pop music after a First World War German balloon most famous for dropping bombs on Liverpool was obviously retrogressive. The second studio vinyl album Led Zeppelin II (1970) featured a gatefold sleeve for the vinyl recording that depicted a gold Zeppelin airship, which reflected upon alchemy, that is, the transmutation of lead into gold as a metaphor for artistic and individual development. However, in WWI it was simply the precept that people stay alive if you don`t shoot them, which was the idea behind the Led Zeppelin `live` career celebration CD How The West Was Won (2003).
The goal of the alchemical opus is described variously as `the pearl of great price` or `the elixir of immortality`, but in essence it`s that lead is poisonous, which means that Led Zeppelin was `misled` Zeppelin. In the `publicity blurb` on the cover of the `live` CD album, How The West Was Won, Led Zeppelin are described as `Satanists`, which essentially entails killing the penis so that it can`t see, that is, preventing development, and so the first Led Zeppelin symbol was a crashed airship because `misled` rivalry doesn`t want to see anyone else at the top, even if it`s desirable.
In Britney`s Oops I Did It Again Mars has `98% oxygen`, which is certainly enough `air` for the penis, which needs blood oxygenation to inflate its desirefulness for woman and development. John Bonham, Led Zeppelin`s drummer, died in 1980 after a `choking fit` and Moby Dick had been the title of John`s Led Zeppelin `signature` drum solo which title was chosen from a novel by Herman Melville that had the first line:
`Call me Ishmael.`
In Arabia the `Eid` is the `feast` that celebrates God`s sparing of Isaac when Abraham is asked to take Isaac up the mountain to be sacrificed. God relents and the Eid is the celebration of the sparing of Isaac, which is paradoxical because the line of Isaac founded Judaism, while the line of Abraham`s son Ishamel became Islam. If John had lived, his son Jason`s band Bonham would have been the rival of Led Zeppelin, but Satanism, which Led Zeppelin are proclaimed as espousing on the `press blurb` for How The West Was Won, would have killed Jason Bonham`s band. Jason would have been sacrificed to Satanism, if Led Zeppelin had been Satanists. But the `Eid` celebration of Arabia is a symbol of how disparate development is not rivalry. If God had commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on the mountain, Judaism would not have existed, and the line of Ishamael would have prospered. But God did not require Isaac to be sacrificed, because that would have been Satanism, and Led Zeppelin did not prevent Jason Bonham from forming the Bonham band, which means that they aren`t Satanists either because the principle of disparate development has been embraced.
In Melville`s tale Moby Dick, the white whale, has enough `air` to dive into the ocean of the unconscious contents of the psyche, where the archetypes exist as impulses to development. Indeed, Melville`s symbol of the white whale is perceived in literary criticism as the penis, because of its untamed sexuality, and men`s intention to kill what is in fact the developing futanarian woman`s penis of the future, in Melville`s Moby Dick becomes the quest of Ahab aboard the whaling ship Pequod to kill the white whale as the female penis surrogate, so that woman`s archetype remains an abstract hermaphroditic symbol of male-female esoteric unity murdered in the ocean of the unconscious, whereas the hermaphrodite is in fact a real picture of woman as she is.
In the novel Moby Dick, Moby Dick is a white whale which is killed by a whalers` harpoon. However, `dick` is a universal euphemism for penis, because the developmental functionality of the planet Earth devolves from it as the source of instinctual libidic energy transformed into intellect and spirituality through the penis` aspirational desires. Because the developmental penis is, properly understood, futanarian woman`s, putting a man on the moon was a declaration of war against her, which is why the flag of Al Qaeda`s `yellow moon on black` is a symbol of an intention to kill the woman`s penis that is attached to men`s virality, and then her penis won`t be able to see with the eyes of her Holy Spirit.
The valence of virality is important because surveillance is what the globe has had to endure since 9/11. If 9/11 is to be understood as a distortion of 911, the number of the police in the USA, and the biblical injunction from Revelation, `the number of a man is the number of a beast, and his number is six hundred three score and six`, refers to 666, which is the reverse of 999, the number of the police in the former British Empire and Commonwealth. The Holy Spirit is the `guide, teacher, helpmeet, and comforter`, because she is the eyes of heaven, whereas surveillance is what the evil `serpent` has been since Adam and Eve felt themselves naked in Eden. Consequently, police surveillance corresponds to what is not the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit wouldn`t require it. In other words, police surveillance is supportive of the criminal, because the Holy Spirit is perceived as `too good`. However, people eat, fuck, and have bowel and urinatory functions, which is physically all that the body is for. A surveillance system that wants to watch that is evil, because behaviouralism is all that surveillance systems are designed for. Good behavior is `nothing but`, as repression psychologist Sigmund Freud could have observed, eating, fucking, urinating and defecating. Anything else, from a police perspective, is unmanageable, because it doesn`t fit ideas of simian behaviour patterns. An astronaut fucks, eats, urinates, and defecates. From a surveillance point of view, the astronaut is functionally normalized while fucking, eating, urinating and defecating, which means that surveillance is designed to reduce the developed individual to fucking, eating, urinating and defecating, so that the police can manage `the zoo`.
In pop terms, `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` that gives birth while the red dragon waits in vain to devour her `New Redeemer` is framed by Sun Records, which produced Elvis Presley, the `King of Rock `n` Roll, and Keith Moon, `the loon` of The Who, who was deemed crazy for warning `misled` Zeppelin at the beginning of their `career` in `69 that lead balloons weren`t gold.
Satanism is a difficult concept to grasp, because the men of the Earth seeking to prevent woman from escaping perceive her as Satan, which means that, properly understood, Satanists are the women who want to leave with their own penis, and those who want to keep her here so that they can continue their `plague games` of destruction are nihilists. The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong, and the nihilism of Al Qaeda`s terrorist crashing of planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre, beneath the flag of a yellow moon on black, with the motto `There is no God but God`, is perceived as antithetical to Neil`s words:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`
However, if the `game` is to prevent woman from leaving the Earth, Neil`s foot has become that of the nihilist on the neck of woman prior to chopping her head off because her penis might be able to see with her, which is what the Arabian Sheherezade works against in One Thousand And One Nights, while Britney`s Sheherezade, in her red pilot`s suit, in Oops I Did It Again, appears as `twin girls` in the eye of the penis of woman as the species for whose freedom she is working in her science fiction mimodrama. One of the more famous Led Zeppelin album sleeves features the band in astronaut suits, which mimics Neil Armstrong`s inspirational landing on the moon but, if the aspiration of men is to use `moonbase ` to keep women here as enslaved host wombs for the spreading of themselves as the virality of the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war, the imagery is delusory.
Neil Armstrong flew as pilot on 7 occasions in the X-15 space plane, which was designed to fly to the moon and return, but was cancelled because of `expense`. In simple terms, the United States of America didn`t want to fly to the moon. Al Qaeda, `the base`, whose flag is the masculine moon of Arabia, whereas in the West the moon is female, proclaimed the moon is for men on 9/11, 2000, and they don`t want her.
The Led Zeppelin symbol is important because the band bought a plane with the Led Zeppelin logo emblazoned, and after 1977`s concert at Madison Square Gardens John Bonham and Led Zeppelin were told they`d never perform in the United States of America again because John threw a punch at a member of the NYPD backstage. In 1973 and 1977 New York was the `city of the plane` of Led Zeppelin, because they toured in `73 and `77. In developmental, or intellectual and spiritual terms, Led Zeppelin had elevated themselves to the `plane` of Led Zeppelin.
Zeppelin airships attach themselves to towers for refueling, or taking on passengers etc., and so the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre were a symbol for Led Zeppelin even if they were not for Zeppelins. Al Qaeda`s terrorist demolishing of them by `feigning friendship` and hijacking `civil` aircraft to use as incendiary devices was reminiscent of the airship on the cover of Led Zeppelin I, which `spontaneously combusted` while attached to its tower on a `friendship` visit to New Jersey from Germany in 1937. Al Qaeda`s cowardly 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers was `Satanism` insofar as they `feigned friendship` to plant the funereal `yellow moon on black` of their flag upon the ruins in mockery of the aspirations of NASA`s and Led Zeppelin`s `astronauts`, who are those `inspired` by achievement to aspire to their own intellectual and spiritual `plane`.
On 9/11 New York was the `city of the planes`, as Sodom and Gomorrah were the `cities of the plains` (Gen: 18,19) destroyed by God for practising Marquis De Sade`s activities likely to cause AIDS activities. The Marquis De Sade was a 19th century writer who advocated sado-masochism and sodomy, and so De Sade`s activities produce AIDS, because of the blood, shit, and semen admixture associated with sadistic sex. From the perspective of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, Led Zeppelin, the Led Zeppelin `plane`, the Twin Towers of Led Zeppelin`s New York, and the aspirations of NASA`s and Led Zeppelin`s `astronauts`, was a `penis inflation` that threatened to take the boys away from the homosexual pederast.
In Jungian psychology shadow-inflation is quite common when the ego identifies with instinct and experiences a sense of power rather than power itself, which D.H. Lawrence describes as the `gods of the blood` in his semi-pornographic novel Lady Chatterley`s Lover (1928) and elsewhere. Because the shadow represents libido or instinctual sexual energy, `shadow-inflation` is also describable as `penis inflation`, which occurs when the individual believes that they are successful because they are intelligent. The Led Zeppelin airship is a `penis inflation` if the `dark gods of the blood` are worshipped instead of development, which is what success actually depends upon. If individuals aspire to the moon and the stars of heaven, but the `dark gods of the blood`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah, are worshipped, the `red dragon` of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS and the war of homosexual pederasty will devour the Earth, and the `hidden` woman with the penis of her own, who is woman as a species and futanarian, will experience only `penis inflation` and the repeated crashing sounds of a Led Zeppelin.
Men prefer ICBMs to space pilots, because it is basic to men`s `Greek philosophy` that women won`t escape, whereas Britney, in her red pilot`s suit in Oops I Did It Again, symbolizes the desire of the woman`s penis to leave Earth and the moon for Mars. But not for Mars, the god of war, who`d be the `red dragon` on her `red planet`. In her red`s suit, Britney is `New Red`, because the symbolic mimodrama of Oops I Did It Again deems woman with a penis of her own to have `the right stuff` for space colonization:
`Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.`
Oops I Did It Again begins with Britney referencing Chuck Yeager, the X-15 space plane pilot, and astronaut who never was, because NASA dropped all those who didn`t have a college degree from the 1960s space programme; although Yeager was deemed to be the best. The concept of `the right stuff` was enshrined in Tom Wolfe`s book The Right Stuff (1979), filmed as a Hollywood movie in 1983 with Sam Shepard as Yeager, and `the right stuff` was the title that all successful astronauts were labeled with, because it was what they were deemed to be blessed with. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is deemed good by God in Revelation because she demonstrates `the right stuff`. The `New Redeemer`, to whom she gives birth, also demonstrates `the right stuff` in desiring space travel for women as a species with her own penis, that is, the `hidden` futanarian woman, which the New Redeemer protects before she leaves.
The symbol of the rulership of the New Redeemer is an `iron scepter` or `iron rod`, which denotes a developed perspective that is unshakeable rather than a `penis inflation` or `shadow-inflation` of `the dark gods of the blood`, which in the 1930s produced the extermination camps of the Nazis because of an inability to perceive that women were Jews and that was why the Germans didn`t want them to escape or live. In Judaism you cannot be born a Jew if you are not born from a Jewess, which effectively means that women are Jews. Consequently, the Nazi pogroms of the 30s and ethnic cleansing up until the 21st century and beyond were based on the unconscious principle that the woman should neither live nor escape. Viral masculinity perceives the `iron scepter` or `iron rod` of the `New Redeemer` as a gun, because a `side iron` is an old metaphor of the `Wild West` for a Colt .45 worn in a holster at the hip and employed by gunmen. The claim that Led Zeppelin worshipped Satan in the publicity notes for How The West Was Won refers to the concept of gunmen who `pump lead`, which won`t inflate an airship, but murdering the developing penis of the `hidden` futanarian woman as the Earth`s species tries to develop beyond the repeated sounds of a crashing Led Zeppelin is Satanical.
2 `The Role of the Chinese Communist Party in the National War`, Selected Works, October 1938, Vol. II, p. 208.
Britney Spears` `Oops I Did It Again`, Supermarionation and Thunderbirds
19/09/2013 10:59
Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again, Supermarionation, and Thunderbirds
Descending onto her stage set in Oops I Did It Again Britney Spears` science fiction pop extravaganza pays homage to the British `puppet` series Thunderbirds, created by Gerry and Sylvia Andersen in the 60s. Made into a Hollywood film starring Vanessa Hudgens and directed by Star Trek`s Will Ryker, Jonathan Frakis, in 2004, Thunderbirds featured `International Rescue` and a cast of puppets with strings often visible as they captured the hearts and minds of a generation of kiddies. Appearing in the kids` comic TV 21, the Thunderbirds cast were closer in conception to the movie version because the characters appeared better drawn without signs of a `puppeteer`. One of the more obvious `scenes` resembling Thunderbirds of `Tracey Island` is that in which Britney gesticulates and the male dancers collapse around her like the palm trees collapsing around Thunderbird 2`s `take off ramp` as it prepares to leave on a `mission` for `International Rescue`.
Britney, in her red pilot`s suit, is depicting Thunderbird 3 too, which is a bright red spaceship, while her appearance also alludes to the bright red nose cone of Thunderbird 1. Raising her spaceman visitor, who has arrived from Earth, he dangles helplessly above her as she takes the role of the `puppeteer`. Below the spaceman Britney appears in a white bikini dress, and so the spaceman `hovers` above her like Thunderbird 2.
Britney`s Oops I Did It Again `scifi` is referring to the novel The Puppet Masters by the USA`s first `Grand Master` of science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), in which `slugs` take over the bodies of the people of Earth and can only be perceived if the people are naked. Many critics have thought the `slugs` refer to the USA`s 50 `s fears of `communism`, which often transpired as aliens in the movies of the period and appears in a later 1959 Heinlein juvenile novel as the `bugs`. Starship Troopers was made into a movie in 1997, and Podkayne Of Mars is Heinlein`s juvenile girls` novel that Britney`s alluding to when she suspends her spaceman above her like Thunderbird 2.
The feature of Thunderbird 2 was that it had a `pod`, so Britney hoists her spaceman above `Poddy`, that is, herself in a white bikini dress, because she is playing the role of the character in Heinlein`s Podkayne Of Mars. Her spaceman is Thunderbird 2 hovering above its `Pod`, which corresponds to Thunderbird 4 because the `pod` of Thunderbird 2 contains Thunderbird 4, as a baby in a mother`s womb.
If women have a penis of their own, as futanarian women do ( ), it would only be possible to see that they were a part of the species of woman if they were naked. According to the Bible there will be perpetual `enmity` between the serpent`s `seed` and that of the woman`s `seed` and war in heaven, which her `seed` will win. Because `seed` is semen the woman described as `hidden` has a penis of her own and is the true species of the planet Earth.
The aliens are men because `slugs` is the word used to describe bullets and `shots` of alcohol, which denote the method applied to those who are conscious, or capable of awakening to the fact that the people on the planet Earth are murdered if they show signs of intelligent life, or are `dumbed down` by means of the fake attractions of alcohol poisoning.
`According to the developmental depth psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the collective consciousness of mankind functions at such a low level that it corresponds to what Jung terms the subconscious or collective shadow that functions much in the way that Heinlein envisions the `slugs` as functioning in The Puppet Masters. Britney`s perception is that woman as a species with her own penis can`t be free because of the collective shadow of the alien subconscious of men possessing her as a female collective unconscious of its role as `host` womb to the parasite, and based on unconscious acceptance of the male alien seeking symbiotic relations:
`... the embryo ... obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.`1
The `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation corresponds to the HIV/AIDS virus which became virulent in the last quarter of the 20th century as an incurable `killer disease` that functioned as a form of men`s biological warfare against women`s `host` wombs. As a parasite men function as the HIV/AIDS virus does insofar as it `feigns friendship` for the woman in order to infect her with its parasitical alien life form, or `slug` as Heinlein refers to it in The Puppet Masters. The `slug` might be interpreted as a euphemism for the penis that isn`t sexually interested in the woman.
Western civilization began in ancient Greece with a society that wasn`t sexually interested in women at all but promoted the spread of its homosexual pederasty by means of the enslaving of women`s wombs through devouring wars against her, which is what the `red dragon` of Revelation represents, and its `blood plague` is its continuation of war against her in the form of HIV/AIDS` biological warfare against her daughters.
Against Troy the Greeks employed a huge wooden horse inside which they hid and, when the Trojans, believing the horse to be a `friendship gift`, took it into the city, the Greeks emerged to enslave the wombs of the women for homosexual pederasty. On 9/11 the Arabian terrorists similarly `feigned friendship`, like the HIV/AIDS virus, when boarding a flight from Boston, Massachussetts, and crashed the hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of New York to spread homosexual pederasty`s contagion of terrorism and war further.
In Oops I Did It Again Britney focuses on Thunderbirds as an `International Rescue` force, with the main emphasis on herself in a white bikini dress as Thunderbird 4`s `pod` because of her referencing `Poddy` from Heinlein`s Podkayne Of Mars, but she`s also referring to the `pods` from the 50`s movie The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, where `Poddy` would be the `body` to be `snatched`. In other words, it`s difficult to see the difference between an alien and a human if you`ve been taught that men are human and they`re aliens.
Although Britney`s spaceman appears to be alone we are given glimpses of `Mission Control`. Her spaceman has a camera fixed to the side of his space helmet, and we see `Mission Control` observing Britney through its lens from inside a `control centre`, which corresponds to Thunderbird 5, the `Space Station` of the Thunderbirds TV series and the research and surveillance technology Britney needs in order to `unmask` the aliens.
Thunderbird 5 appears to be in the hands of the `aliens`, because the personnel of `Mission Control` are males. Although the suggestion is `Mission Control` is on Earth, Britney`s suspension of the spaceman above her `Poddy` suggests that he`s Thunderbird 5, the `Space Station`, and that there are `aliens` inside him, which correspond to `demons`, who constitute the equivalent of a hijacking of Air Force One, which is the plane of the President of the USA, by terrorists seeking to spread their plague.
In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the child. In Oops I Did It Again Britney, in her red pilot`s suit, corresponds to Redemption, because she`s mothering, and that`s why she descends inside a giant`s ring at the beginning of the video. The spaceman is being taught Redemption, because the `New Redeemer` protects the woman after she`s given birth, which is why the spaceman corresponds to her `deliverer`.
In Thunderbirds Thunderbird 2 delivers Thunderbird 4, usually a submarine, and collects it later. Britney, in her white bikini dress, corresponds to Heinlein`s `Poddy`, that is, Podkayne of Mars, but also Thunderbird 4, which Thunderbird 2 picks up after each Thunderbirds ` mission` and so corresponds to her spaceman who, at one point gives her a gift.
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts` is an adage deriving from the Trojans` experience of the Greek gift of the wooden horse at Troy that the Greeks emerged from once it was inside the city so that they could enslave the wombs of the women within for homosexual pederasty and the spreading of its plague through warfare:
`But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`
Britney`s alluding to the `heart of the ocean`, a blue diamond that the heroine of the Titanic (1997) movie dropped into the sea at the film`s ending in memory of her love who`d lost his life helping others into the lifeboats when the ship, the Titanic, hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage to the USA from Liverpool, England, in 1911. Because Thunderbird 1 is blue, and it`s an Earth rocket, which `International Rescue` use to respond quickly to disaster situations on the Earth, the blue diamond, or `heart of the ocean` and Britney, in her red pilot`s suit`, symbolize the blue rocket and the red nose cone.
In Jungian psychology, `Feeling`, which is associated with the heart, and `Intuition`, which is associated with the nose, or sense of smell, are female functions, because they are associated with the female soul or anima in man. Conversely, `Thinking` and `Sensation` are associated with the ears and eyes, and it`s because of the `demons` that have taken over the `Mission Control` centre. Britney`s spaceman is her Thunderbird 5 `Space Station`, but the `demons` are preventing him from hearing and seeing, and she appears in `98% oxygen` without a spacesuit to indicate that.
According to Jung individual development, or self-actualization, dpends upon conscious differentiation of the four functions of consciousness, and the `Thinking` and `Sensation` function in man is associated with the ego. Britney`s perception is that `demons` are occluding `Thinking` and `Sensation`, that is, the ears and eyes, so that the individual can`t progress towards self-knowledge and wisdom because he can`t differentiate the functions of `Feeling` and `Intuition` by means of the ego, and these functions are associated with the soul or anima, which is the mediator of unconscious contents of the `Self` struggling to become conscious, according to Jungian psychology. Consequently, the `blue diamond`, as a symbol of the unconscious `Self`, is the `heart of the ocean` because, in Jungian psychology, the ocean is a symbol of the unconscious from which the archetypes emerge as impulses to development or individuation.
Britney employs the symbol of the `blue diamond` archetypally. Thunderbird 1 is a rocket ship but traverses the Earth, not the heavens, while Britney`s pilot, in her red suit, is the spaceship pilot of Thunderbird 3. Although the nose cone of Thunderbird 1 is red, like Britney`s red pilot`s suit and, in Jungian psychology, the nose or smell signifies `Intuition`, Britney`s symbol of `Feeling` is the `blue diamond` at the `heart of the ocean` of the collective archetypes of the unconscious. Britney`s `red planet` of Mars is an arid desert, because it corresponds to the individual who lacks `Feeling` and so needs the `blue diamond` of the `heart of the ocean` from Earth. Insofar as the blue heart of `Feeling` complements the red nose of `Intuition` of Thunderbird 1, Britney represents the red `nose cone` of Thunderbird 1 in her red pilot`s suit, and her spaceman is its `blue heart`. In her red pilot`s suit, Britney`s the `pilot` of the Thunderbird 3 spaceship but, as Thunderbird 1, Britney in her red pilot`s suit corresponds to the red nose cone of the Earth rocket of the Thunderbirds` International Rescue organization. Because `Red Nose Day`, is an annual British day of clownish fun, the `red nose` of Britney`s Thunderbird 1`s pilot`s suit relates to the concept of a sense of humour, whereas the `blue heart` relates to `blue` as pornographic material. Britney`s material becomes more humorous and pornographic. For example, in her video for Toxic, Britney appears in a uniform of Thunderbirds blue:
`Your toxic gun slipping under.`
Her super heroine is pictured breaking into a top secret laboratory in order to steal a phial of liquid, and the suggestion is that a cure for HIV/AIDS has been kept from the public. Because the parasitical aliens of the Earth want to improve their biological warfare against the `host` wombs of women to make it gender specific against her. Britney perceives that the `blue heart` and the `red nose` of Thunderbird 1 belong together. Because, although sex might be fun, HIV/AIDS isn`t funny to her.
Because the ego is associated with the spirit, religion is a `game` in which the faithful believe in their hearts and have intimations of heaven, while the `demons` occlude their ability to think and hear. It`s a `game` because the `demons` correspond to those who want neither men to develop, or women to have knowledge of their own penis, and so awareness of themselves as a species. Either scenario threatens to expose the aliens` striving to achieve and maintain global hegemony.
1 Ibrahim, I. A., A Brief Illustrated guide To Understanding Islam, Darussalam, Houston, Texas, USA, 1997, pp. 74, p.6.
Diana Was Murdered
14/09/2013 09:42Diana Was Murdered
A nation mourned, as its media had collectively organized a `black mass` for `Di the Virgin`, Princess of Wales, since she was married in St. Paul`s Cathedral to Prince Charles of England in 1981. Up against the wall, not on the verge, was the 1997 `message`, after her car crashed in Paris` Pont D`Alma tunnel, to Dodi Fayed and the hopes of the Middle East when Princess Di lived up to the name she`d been given since birth by her aristocratic forebears and the vultures of the paparazzi – and died before she could become a female political figure for stability in Arabia. Diana Spencer was 20 when she wed Charles Windsor, heir to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II, reigning monarch of the United Kingdom, head of the British Commonwealth, and last Empress of the British Empire, upon which `the sun never set` because it was so vast sunshine was always to be found somewhere on its upturned face.
On 9/11 her murderers were still playing `apple bridge`, which is what the French Pont D`Alma means. In `cards` pontoon is a game in which the aim is to reach 21. Moreover, a pontoon is not only 21 but a bridge across the water so that troops may cross, while `the pond` is what the British and Americans call the Atlantic ocean between Britain and America. Someone was playing `pontoon` on 9/11 at the `Big Apple` and at the Pont D`Alma in 1997 to maintain the bridge over the water between the UK and the USA but to destroy the bridge between the West and the Moslem peoples. On 9/11 the Al Qaeda terrorists boarded `civil` airliners at Logan airport, for a `black mass` in Boston, Massachussetts, where the Catholic Kennedy family had produced but one President, John `Jack` F. Kennedy, from several, because of assassination of one sort or another, and 9/11 or `blackjack` was the `bludgeon` raised against him again:
`Let every nation know... that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.`1
In the science fiction movie Logan`s Run (1976) anyone over the age of 21 is marked for death, and 9/11 means that the winning player in receipt of either 9 or 11 from the deal, where an ace can count as 11, can stick at 20 or win at 21, if they hold the second highest valued card, which is 10 or a `picture card` of the same value. Because `one-eyed Jacks` are also `floating`, which means they can count as 11, the terrorist targeted `Twin Towers` corresponded to `black two`, which also `floats` or can signify a card of a higher value in `porn toon`. The name of the brothel in David Lynch`s surrealist TV series Twin Peaks, `One Eyed Jacks`, may have influenced the puritianical element amongst the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist card players` redefining of `pornography` for American viewers who were watching the surreal events of 9/11 live on CNN and who believed it was a `Hollywood` movie.
The `handle` of the snake-eyed `hackers` floating into the USA`s computerized air defence system on 9/11 was `the end is nigh Jack` after the `game` of `pontoon` they were playing on the strength of the bridges built between the West and the Middle East begun by Elizabeth II of England and that she had been endeavouring to keep in place since her coronation in 1953 when guests included the rulers of Bahrain, Kuwait, and Qatar; representatives of the kings of Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and of those of the heads of states of Israel, Syria, and Lebanon. While Queen Elizabeth presided over the dismantling of the British Empire and its reconstruction as a Commonwealth of independent states, the monarchies of Arabia were replaced by democratic governments and, after the second Gulf War (2001-11), the `Arab Spring` of 2011 saw popular uprisings and the abrupt termination of the reign of Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa in Bahrain, the governments of Egyptian President Hozni Mubarak, Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, Colonel Gaddafi`s regime in Libya and Zine Al Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, while Syria was attempting to remove Bashar Hafez Al Assad whose original family name was Al-Wahhish, `the beast`. In the movie Logan`s Run the plot is that all those over the age of 20 must die. The Arab terrorists hijacked planes from Logan airport, so the aim was to murder the 21st century because `the beast` feared the birth of the `New Redeemer` whose hand would win against it, according to Revelation, because he would `rule with an iron sceptre` over the Earth:
`Let the word go forth.....that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.`
In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with moon at its feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` while the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain. Over New York Harbour, the terrorist hijacked planes flew to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of the `Big Apple`. Just as Queen Elizabeth II built bridges with the Arabian kings and princes for the West so Princess Di built bridges across the globe, but became Princess `dead` when terrorized out of life by paparrazi hounding her at the `Bridge of the Apple` in Paris for seeking to further her historical role by marrying the Egyptian businessman, Dodi Fayed:
`In January 1997, pictures of Diana touring an Angolan minefield in a ballistic helmet and flak jacket were seen worldwide. It was during this campaign that some accused her of meddling in politics and declared her a 'loose cannon'.`2
Those who were playing the `bridge` game of `pontoon` and `acting` in the movie of Logan`s Run at the `Big Apple` of New York`s World Trade Centre`s Twin Towers, sought to destroy those political and `economic` bridges. Diana`s appearance in the minefield was instrumental in the United Nations outlawing of landmines:
`All Honourable Members will be aware from their postbags of the immense contribution made by Diana, Princess of Wales to bringing home to many of our constituents the human costs of landmines. The best way in which to record our appreciation of her work, and the work of NGOs that have campaigned against landmines, is to pass the Bill, and to pave the way towards a global ban on landmines.` Robin Cook, British Foreign Secretary, House Of Commons, 1998.
The woman of Revelation is she who `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`,gives birth to the `New Redeemer` while the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain, and although the `red sun` of Japan`s flag of Imperialism never flew over Pearl Harbour and the yellow moon of Al Qaeda`s terrorism didn`t plant its flag in New York, Princess Di`s Pont D`Alma `wall tunnel crash` was as significant as any Wall Street Crash:
`Mohammed Fayed accused The Duke of Edinburgh and The Prince of Wales of killing Diana and Dodi because the Prince was furious that Diana was dating Dodi. His testimony was roundly condemned in the press as being farcical. Members of the British Government's Intelligence and Security Committee accused Fayed of turning the inquest into a 'circus' and called for it to be ended maturely. The inquest lasted for six months, and the jury verdict, declared given on 7 April 2008, was that Diana and Dodi had been unlawfully killed through the negligent driving of [chauffeur] Henri Paul and those in control of the pursuing [paparazzi] vehicles.`
9/11 didn`t seem to be about economics or serious politics, but `rough trade` is the term used by homosexual pederasts of those whom they prey upon. Diana Spencer`s crusade against `landmines` was countered on 9/11 by `yeah, mine`. The airborne `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty`s enthronement of nihilism rather than brook any heir to the throne of the Earth other than itself. Diana`s campaign against landmines was because of the numbers of minors becoming casualties after cessation of hostilities.
The `Twin Towers` were the legs of `Liberty` blown off so that the minor she was giving birth to, that is, the `New Redeemer`, woudn`t be born. Arabia`s grudge against Diana`s visibly redefining of a woman`s boundaries was as a too visible proponent of woman`s freedom to lands where women must perforce wear the one piece coverall of the burkah. The terrorist response was to tell `Liberty` to cover her legs, which is why the twin craters in the aftermath of the towers` collapse looked like the result of someone`s having stepped on a mine. Possession and consumption is the valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, and woman was being advised by the alien parasitical draco that it was her `leech` and none other. In Arabia it`s traditional that a man is a leech until he becomes a man, because the male valence is parasitism and violence:
`… the [human] embryo … obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.`3
The terrorists and their draco were `leeches` seeking to strengthen their hold on their parasitical valence of homosexual pederasty. Britney Spears was similarly assassinated as a woman of potential influence when she was judged by those possessed by the valence of homosexual pederasty to be an `unfit mother` and her fortune of billions of US dollars was confiscated by the US judiciary to be `suitably` devoured when she was `better`. Ostensibly, Britney was made penniless, despite having earned billions of dollars, because Manhattan took offence at her boy`s baseball cap falling off in the street near a `Big Apple` hotel she was staying at off Central Park, New York, while she was running for her car chased by paparrazi in late May 2006.
The `cap` wasn`t on the `little man` in Manhattan, that is, the oil gusher of Britney Spears` well of creativity and sexuality wasn`t `capped`. The `little man` is a euphemism for the clitoris, and is definable as the only `human` organ because it’s the only aspect of sexuality designed by God, the creator, solely for the pleasures of love.
Having declared herself `bisexual`, according to `politically correct` feminism, Britney`d announced her `homosexuality`, whereas women who are bisexual have a lesbian valence and the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s war against her is partly to `cap` her wellsprings of creativity and growth. Political correctness is a means employed by the evil to use feminism as a tool of homosexual pederasty against woman`s love for itself as a species. Especially as futanarian women with a penis of their own constitute the reproductive and economic valence of the human species of woman, whose clitoris is the `human valence of pleasure` because it`s the only organ of the human body designed solely for love. Consequently, woman`s economic valence is to produce, as the producer, what she desires as a species, without an `owner`, which is `Liberty` and the birth of the `New Redeemer` from her.
Futanarian woman would be defined as `homosexual` and `lesbian` by feminist political correctness, and so woman as a species with her own penis as but another valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and its wars against her, but the valence of economy is human. In short, humans accept God because they`re human, whereas aliens don`t accept God because they don`t want to be human. The Bible promises heaven to those who accept they`re human, and perdition to those who don`t. Consequently, humanity`s economic valence is humane because humans accept God, whereas the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is inhumane and non-human because it’s the expression of men`s violence and war against the human species of woman, which is concerned with the nurturing, development, and maintenance of flesh to which God has promised immortality and that Christianity describes as `Salvation` through the acceptance of the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, that teaches humanity.
The `cap` that fell of the head of the son of Britney Spears in the `Big Apple` of Manhattan in May 2006 was the lever used to pry Britney`s dollar billions from her control. Just as the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers was designed to `cap` the new economic valence of woman, so the attack on Britney Spears for letting her son`s cap fall off in the `Big Apple` of New York was an attempt by the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty to make an example of her and deter women from achieving an economic valence. By `capping` sexuality, homosexual pederasty seeks to define the pleasure of women as worthless. Britney`s subsequent controversial single Criminal (2011) presents her as an unfit mother, but is in accordance with the valence of homosexual pederasty and violence so is acceptable from a mother in `Greek` terms:
Babylon is described as a woman who rules in the Bible, and she represents the valence of the evil male alien viral pederast that forces women to reproduce its parasitical life form. Consequently, Britney Spears` Criminal is viral but acceptable to the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, vileness and corruption, which is what assassinated John F. Kennedy`s (1963) brother Robert Fitzroy Kennedy was fighting in 1968, after John`s murder by a lone sniper in Dallas, Texas, in 1963, when `Bobby` himself was gunned down as the Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party in L.A.
Originally, the lyrics of Criminal were written for Marilyn Monroe and began `I`m in love with the President [John F. Kennedy]`, but the song was felt to be too well directed at his wife, Jackie Kennedy, in view of Marilyn`s affair with John. Marilyn was found drowned in a swimming pool in 1962, verdict `death by misadventure`, because she represented a challenge to monogamy, which is the basic unit in the possession and consumption economy of the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty based on `ownership of the means of production` in order to produce more `young bums` that`ll fight for a woman, that is, monogamy is designed to separate the love of women from the `individual` man, which is what `Jack` Kennedy was:
`He is a loser, he's a bum
(Bum, bum, bum)
He is a sucker with a gun
(Gun, gun, gun)
… I'm in love with a criminal.
He is a killer just for fun
(Fun, fun, fun)`
In ancient Greece the spectre of war was a part of the society`s valence and women were bred as animals to produce warriors from their wombs which were the `host` for the Greeks enslaving of other societies so that they could spread their contagion of homosexual pederasty and war further. Against Troy they employed the device of the huge wooden hollow horse as a `gift` from which they emerged inside the city walls to enslave the `host` wombs of the women for their parasitical alien virus.
In Revelation the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` corresponds to the HIV/AIDS virus as a form of homosexual pederasty`s `biological warfare` against the `host `wombs of the women of the Earth. HiV/AIDS `feigns friendship` for the defending cells of the body it kills, and the terrorist hijackers `feigned friendship` for the USA when boarding `civil` aircraft at Logan before spreading their Arabian machismo`s `virality` to the `body politic` of the Western powers. In short, the biblical `red dragon` of war`s valence of homosexual pederasty`s `rough trade` isn`t `genuine economy`.
The terrorists from Logan emulating those who murder the girl on her 21st birthday in the movie Logan`s Run (1976) represent the homosexual pederast`s aim of preventing woman as an economic valence from developing in the 21st century. The history of the Earth is a homosexual`s `peep show` in which WWI (1914-18), WWII (1939-45), and WWIII`s Gulf Wars (1990-2011) were followed by the `War on Terror` (2003-), which should have been a financed medical war against the sexual terrorism of the `red dragon` of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` misogynist and homosexual pederast`s `biological war` against women`s `host` wombs.
On the `world wide web` of WWW`s endlessly boring `porn wars` against woman as a species` reproductive valence, the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty and war aims to laugh at `Woman`, who has even developed her own penis as futanarian woman in an attempt to avoid the economic valence of the alien parasitical virus, that is, men, and which lives from her as a devouring draco, in an attempt by God`s woman to produce civilization, art and culture from the daughters of her wombs, because mankind won`t accept the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and be kind enough to accept Redemption.
In Genesis the evil serpent`s `seed` is told that it shall have `perpetual enmity` with the woman`s `seed`, and in Revelation the serpent`s `seed` war in heaven and are defeated by the `seed` of the woman. Her `seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` and the serpent`s `seed` grown into the `red dragon` receive perdition. If the economic `seed` of the `red dragon` is homosexual pederasty`s devourment of the Earth, and other forms of `consumption`, such as the tax on sex in the form of the cancer HIV/AIDS, woman`s struggle to provide a new economic valence has found favour in God`s creation with the futanarian woman who has a penis of her own. Obviously, the homosexual pederast doesn`t want woman to express her own economic valence so the `world wide web` is the new WWW battleground in which the `porn wars` are fought for acceptance of women with a penis of her own as the species of the Earth. Because men can`t function as `fatherers` and, although `ass shamed` in front of God, still aren`t too `ass shamed` not to play `porn toon` and admit it:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
In 1948 George Orwell wrote the novel 1984 in which `Big Brother Is Watching You` is the slogan of the totalitarian government that imposes surveillance upon its entire population so that television, mandatory in every household, watches every householder, and CCTV watches everything else too. If 9/11 was designed to implement global surveillance on the part of the police, 9/11 was also designed as a successful reversal of 911, which is the telephone number of the police in the USA. The `number of the beast` of Revelation is `six hundred three score and six`, or 666, which is the reversal of the telephone number of the police in the rest of the world, where 999 is the `number of the beast`.
In 1973 pop singer Suzi Quatro had a hit 48 Crash which has undertones of Orwell`s vision of the 20th century if 48 is understood as an Orwellian 84 because the song 48 Crash would then refer to global economic surveillance on the part of the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty as it sought to promulgate such events as the Wall Street Crash of 2008 in order to create an economic depression for the `red dragon` of the economy boosting military industrial complex (MIC) to step into and foster economic growth by means of war, which seems okay because its economic growth, but the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is what`s growing from the evil serpent`s `seed`:
`You`re so young, you`re a real hotshot son of a gun.`
The assassination of `Di` Spencer in the Pont D`Alma tunnel crash and the murder of the WTC in favour of `rough trade` at the `Big Apple` suggests that `apple scrumping` is the only aim of those who survey the world`s economy for the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war. Suzi `Q` fronted the fictional pop band Suede and the Leathers in the TV situation comedy Happy Days (1974-84) in which Fonzie`s famed double thumbs up catchphrase was:
The Twin Towers were a `big thumbs up` for the introduction of global police surveillance. Just as Princess `die` was a triumph for the virus` `programing`. The paparazzi could have called her Princess `D`. Women`s economic valence isn`t to provide `rough trade` for homosexual pederasts to watch TV and enjoy the fruits of her womb being devoured across the globe by old faggots who should have been burning in hell forever generations ago.
I`m A Hit Single, Hit On Me Woman And Have More Brains
14/09/2013 09:40I`m A Hit Single, Hit On Me Woman And Have More Brains
Britney Spears` single ... Baby One More Time is a paean to reproduction. In the video she appears as a schoolgirl and as a collegiate, which is a feature of Britney Spears` career, that is, appearing as different selves within a single video. In the scifi pop video for the hit single Oops I Did It Again, it`s clear there are two Britney Spears, one in a red pilot`s suit and another in a white bikini dress, because Britney in red films herself. In Lucky Britney Spears has herself as her assistants and, in If You Seek Amy, which is a clearer directive even than ... Baby One More Time, that is, F*U*C*K Me, she has the normal `schizophrenic` role of private sex siren and public life`s model wife:
`Oh, oh. Tell me have you seen her because I'm so, oh I can't get her off of my brain.`
The obvious parallel is Hollywood, Babylon`s sex symbol, that is, actress Marilyn Monroe`s affair with President John F. Kennedy, who was shot dead by a sniper in 1963 while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, after Marilyn`s apparent suicide and Kennedy`s jilting of Jackie Kennedy, his wife. In mafia terminology a hit is an execution and some suppose John to have been hit, because of his `hitting` on Marilyn while married to Jackie, where `hitting on` is a euphemism in American slang for `demanding sex politely`. `JFK` was felt to be abusing his position:
`Oh baby baby. The reason I breathe is you. Boy you got me blinded.`
Being blind to what boy sons represent is the bane of mothers, because they`re the poisons from her parasite-hosting womb, who kill her if her eyes are opened in relaization of what they are. The concept of suiciding an era, and John was the one who spoke of `the American Dream` as something he wanted realized, is not unknown to the United States. In 1918 the Germans declared `unrestricted submarine warfare` against all shipping, which precipitated America`s involvement in World War I and its cessation, but it was an attempt by the Germans to suicide the `American Dream` and so the United States began a period of socio-economic `isolationism`:
`The New Deal was a series of domestic economic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1936. They involved presidential executive orders or laws passed by Congress during the first term of [New Redeemer] President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The programs were in response to the Great Depression [caused by World War I] ...`1
Isolationism ended with the Japanese mitsubishi zero suicide `fighter` pilots crashing their planes into the decks of the US carriers of the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, in 1941, which precipitated the USA into World War II (1939-45). The terrorist attack of Al Qaeda`s Arabian suiciding hijackers crashing airliners into the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, precipitated conflict in the Middle East and was yet another attempt to reintroduce the `rough trade` of homosexual `brutality and violence` to suicide the `American Dream`:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`
In Revelation `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is depicted giving birth to the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, and so she corresponds to `Liberty` after the defeat of the flags of the red sun of Imperial Japan in WWII and the moon of the flags of Al Qaeda after 9/11, 2001, as she stands in New York harbor with the sun and moon reflected in her birth waters there. America`s `isolationist` philosophy has been criticized as her greatest flaw, but she`s been trying to give birth to the `American Dream` since liberating herself from the yoke of the British Empire with her `Declaration of Independence` in 1776, but they keep `hitting on her`:
`Hit me baby one more time.`
The abused child often responds to a physical attack by a parent or another adult with the admonition, `If you hit me one more time ..,` and the threat is usually perceived as an empty one. But not with the United States of America, because `Liberty` has been going into the `confinement` of isolationism for generations in preparation for giving birth:
`My loneliness is killing me.
I must confess I still believe.
When I'm not with you I lose my mind.
Give me a sign.
Hit me baby one more time.`
Because women are a biune species with her own penis` seed and independent brain breeding socio-technological valence, men`s enslaving and devouring of the civilization, culture and art she is able to produce from her host womb despite her parasites depredations, is because her `futanarian` partner with her own penis` seed has been killed by men and so woman doesn`t have a mind of her own.
Jesus` teaching is respect for the host, which is what he tells the disciples before his crucifixion and death upon the cross of the torturers to whom he`d been sold for `thirty pieces of silver` by Judas Iscariot, the disciple. On the single cover for the CD Piece Of Me Britney Spears appears almost nude upon a cross, because it`s `woman`s seed` that has been suicided in the course of the generations since Jesus` Advent two thousand years before 9/11:
`Guess I can't see the harm in working and being a mama,
and with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner,
and you want a piece of me.`
Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is `woman`s seed` and the host of her `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` seed, which God forewarns Eve of in the Bible when he tells her the `serpent`s seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with hers, although she `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `new heaven and Earth` promised her `seed` by God. The human species of woman is biune. Jesus gives `bread and wine` to the disciples as tokens of his `body and blood`, because woman is the host to parasites who`ll eat her from the womb as she endeavours to produce culture, civilization and art despite its depredations:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In global political terms Marilyn was the whore of Hollywood, Babylon, who was used to suicide John Kennedy`s `American Dream`, which is the fate of the `woman`, Babylon, ancient seat of Iraq, who is made to be the whore of war. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved in institutionalized pederasty to spread war to her civilizations, cultures and arts. Friendship was the basis of ensavement and devourment. Leaving a `friendship gift` of a huge hollow wooden horse before the walls of Troy, the Greeks emerged when the Greeks took the `Trojan horse` inside and enslaved the host wombs of the women to spread war further:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2
Al Qaeda`s Arabian terrorists, posing as guests of the host on 9/11, 2001, hijacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Centre to reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual pederasty`s viral contagion of `brutality and violence`, while the `biological weapon` that keeps women in fear and faithfulness to her parasite is the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS created by men in mixing blood, shit and semen in their anuses together in preference to women`s host wombs. The `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, which is described as the `blood plague` of Revelation, even fakes similitude as a white defender cell of the human body`s immune system, before killing it, and so the computer `geek` virus has replaced the original `Greek horse`.
As the 21st century`s defence systems crashed on 9/11, 2001, while its architects ran around like headless chickens, the new `Greek`, the `geek`, had devoured their heads, because eating chickens` heads is why those who provide the `bread and circuses` of Hollywood, Babylon`s movie fare of war and pederasty, rather than respecting the `bread and wine` of the host, employ chicken head eating geeks for their entertainment, and so World Trade Centre (2005) was just one more `geek` movie:
`When I'm not with you I lose my mind. Give me a sign. Hit my willy one more time.`3
Britney Spears` hit singles are a paean to her own biune `futanarian` species of woman and its socio-economic independence from her enslaving and devouring parasite through self-reproduction with her own penis` seed (`willy`) and capacity for breeding herself and her own brain power because women are a single species, and she doesn`t want men hitting her.
1 .
2 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
3 An English euphemism for a penis is `willy`, so Britney Spears is singing about her penis being `hit`, .